First Day

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Veronica's POV:
September 1st, 1989. First day of senior year! And I just happen to be starting a new school. Great. More football players, more drama, more Heathers. And did I mention Martha is transferring to a different high school? Is it even worth making new, fake friends that I know I will forget as soon as I get into Harvard, Duke or Brown? Sure, I'd be lonely, but lonely is better than aimlessly following the Heathers around like sheep.

But maybe this is my shot to become a Heather. And I am not throwing away my shot.

Stay focused, Veronica. Get through the day one minute at a time


Some big, muscly football player guy with poofy hair bumps into me, and it's really hard not to start giving out to him. Breathe Veronica, breathe. You're never going to reach Heather status if you're seen as the 'bitch' on the first day.

Some girl cackles to her self from behind a locker door. Ok, I've had enough.
'hEy-' I start, but that girl cuts me off with her infuriating laughter.
'Hey yourself. My name is Angelica Schuyler. Respect me and I think we'll get on great. This is Thomas by the way,' she says, motioning to the poofy haired guy. 'Smartest guy on the football team, which is kinda like being the tallest dwarf.'

I can't help but laugh at this. She has exactly my sense of humour. 'Veronica Sawyer. I think we'll get on just great.'

Throughout this exchange, Thomas's face seemed to be getting redder and redder, until he burst out 'Just cause I'm not as smart as you, Angie, doesn't mean I'm an idiot!'

Oooh tension.

Unfortunately, this does not result in a dramatic argument. Angelica just kisses his forehead and says 'of course not. If everyone not as smart as me were an idiot, the world would be filled with them.'

'Hey don't get too cocky, Angelica. You don't know how smart the previous students of Westerberg are.'

Ha. Lies. They're all idiots.

Angelica continues to laugh. Are her cheeks not aching?

'I like you, Veronica Sawyer. Sit next to us at lunch?'


Heather Mcnamara's POV:
Every school's the same. The students see my beauty, my great sense of style, and immediately fall in love with me. I can't help it. It's just my brilliant charisma. But then I'm thrust into the spotlight of popularity, and everyone's scrutinising my every move. It's enough to make a girl kill herself.

Maybe this time is different.

Walking down the hall, I spot a girl with very good fashion sense. She has a nice yellow dress, and a yellow scrunchie. That is someone I could be friends with. I make it my personal goal to talk to her at some point.


As I sit down, I notice yellow girl is in the same English class as me. And she sits next to me! The teacher isn't in so I decide to introduce myself.
'Hi! I'm Heather!' Yellow girl looks kinda surprised that I'm talking to her.

'Hey I'm Margarita, but everyone calls me Peggy. Wow, you must be like the third Heather I've met today.'

Great. So the other Heathers already met her. There goes my fresh start.

'They were both kinda bitches, but you seem nice.'

I feel a smile creeping up on my face. Maybe this time I can be a normal high school girl. No self-harm, or attempted suicide, or anything like that.

'You seem pretty cool too. I love your scrunchie,' I say, gesturing towards her scrunchie.

A pink colour blushes on her face, making her look pretty cute. I wonder if she's str-

No, don't think that Heather. You're normal, remember. Well you're supposed to be, anyways. We don't want a repeat of the sixth grade.

Too late, I realise I've been kinda staring at her face for a while.

'Sooooooooooo do you like musicals?'
Ugh, Heather, why did you stretch the 'so' out so much, she's going to think you're a creep now.

'OF COURSE! Who wouldn't?'

'Ummm the losers from my old school?' Like those bullies, Heather and Heather. Remind me, why was I ever friends with them?

Peggy starts laughing. OMG her laugh is so cute! And she has a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down the center of her skull, I'd have matching halves. That's very important. I mean whaaaaaat? I didn't say anything, hehe.

'So what are your favourite musicals, then,' I continue.

'This is so hard! That's like asking me to pick a favourite child! But if I had to choose, if I had to choose... Rent, Dear Evan Hansen and Beetlejuice have my vote.'

Haha, Peggs is so funny. What! Heather, don't give her an affectionate nickname, you only just met! That's so gay! But I am ga- shut up Heather!

'Woah, those are my faves as well! I also like Be More Chill! I have to say though, Dear Evan Hansen is my favourite.' Even if it does hit a little close to home, and I almost drown in a puddle of my own tears whenever I listen to it.

'Samesies! Why?'

'Oh, no reason...'

I'm saved by the bell when our conversation is cut short by Mr. Washington clearing his throat, and droning on about his rules, what he won't tolerate, blah blah blah. Just before Peggy's about to start her Hamlet essay, she looks over to me, and smiles. She understands.

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