Chapter-16-Big Secerts

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I was asleep to my alarm woke me up, another day to go to campus,

I was tired as hell I washed my face and took a hot steaming shower my phone was getting blown up by vic

Did this nigga know it's too early for this after I was done taking a shower there was a knock on my door,

I ran downstairs and saw vic all dressed with his red mcm bag

"Why you here so early it's 6:30" I said,

See I wake up at 6:20 in the morning because it takes me a vey long time to get ready and my house is kinda far from campus than Vic's so I have to leave early to get there,

"Cause I know how long it take you to get ready and I wanna see how you get ready" he said, he had a smirk on his face,

I laughed,

I went back upstairs as he followed me

I picked out my clothes

"How do you like this shirt?" I asked him while looking at the news,

"Uh nah" he said, he's so fuking picky I rolled my eyes,

"How bout this?" I asked,

"Oh I like that" he said, smiling,

It was a my black and white "pink" (the company" jersey

With my black tights and my taxi 12s my hair was parted in the middle and straight

I put my MK watch ankle bracelet and we was out time to learn I grabbed my bag


A momma was 7 months pregnant now August won't take his hands off my belly ever

My ass was late for school but I ain't stressing August might be mad but idc at all

I went and took a shower when I came out and my phone again getting blowing up

Mostly by August

I read them you know stay leaving them bitches on read as always

I put on my custom Aaliyah shirt I got for my 18th birthday Im surprised it still fits

My belly was huge Bruh

And I put my leather sweats with my bred 11s

I put on my gold Rolex with I fixed my long black hair and it was in perfect curls

Parted to the side I finished up by putting my carmex on then I grabbed my mcm bag that was brown

After I took my snacks and my text books and I got my keys

"Guess it's just me and you in the Car" I said rubbing my huge belly,

I got in my car and put my set belt then I drove off to campus, when I got there I was finishing up my apple that I was eating and I threw it in the trash,

I walked into math class giving my pass to August he gave me a kiss and the whole class smiled and shit,

I stuck my tongue out at them and sat down

I started copying notes
I could've just sworn I was just day dreaming,

Anyways while I was copying notes jojo kept eyeing me down

"Fuck you stop staring at me asshole" I said,

"Bitch fuck took you so long" she said,

"Fuck you mean are you carrying a fucking infant not even born yet for 8 to 9 months?" I asked her,

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