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It's been two days since Orphiel went on the case, more like solved their case but to each their own, Orphiel was sad, the only reason she came to earth is to find her father and he wasn't even here, she didn't necessarily want to go back to hell,...

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It's been two days since Orphiel went on the case, more like solved their case but to each their own, Orphiel was sad, the only reason she came to earth is to find her father and he wasn't even here, she didn't necessarily want to go back to hell, at least on earth she was treated like she wasn't an anomaly, by most people at least but she thinks Amenadiel will come around, Lucifer did and with Charlotte on Orphiel's side Amenadiel will learn to like her.

Orphiel was currently in the penthouse of LUX after much begging Lucifer allowed Orphiel to stay and she didn't have to sleep on the couch, Lucifer showed her to what the humans call a guest bedroom, that's where she was sleeping.

Orphiel has not been on another crime scene because Lucifer hasn't been called to any either, but when Orphiel was told by Lucifer that she can go on two more cases she was excited, she felt useful when she was helping Chloe and the Detective's catch the bad guys, unlike Lucifer Orphiel has taken to calling Chloe by her name, as well and Dan but she still chuckles when Lucifer calls him Detective Douche.

"How are you doing?" Charlotte stayed the night last night, Orphiel was comforted by her presence in LUX as she only really knew Charlotte, as much as she likes Lucifer she didn't know him all that well.

"I'm okay, I wish my father was here though." Orphiel gives Charlotte a small smile, the reason she was on earth is so she can see her father and he isn't even here.

"Well, maybe Lucifer and Amendiel can find your father for you Orphiel." Charlotte stands up and holds her hand, Orphiel takes it.

"I hope, I miss him, he's the only one who didn't look at me like I was an abomination." Orphiel suddenly got sad, every time she talked about herself as the abomination it hurt her, she didn't see herself like that, she was a human being, well an angelic being but still she had feelings.

The elevator suddenly dinged and Chloe stepped out, she was carrying a file it looked like.

"Charlotte, Orphiel, has either of you seen Lucifer?" Chloe acknowledges them, she leaned against the bar.

"I heard my name Detective." Lucifer suddenly come out from his room, he was moving with such grace, anybody else would think he might be floating.

"We have a case." Chloe tossed the file so Lucifer can read it, Orphiel squealed, a case, she was excited.

"I get to go on this one right, Chloe?" Orphiel looked at Chloe with excitement in her eyes.

"Yes, you can." Chloe relented, Orphiel was famous for her eyes because they looked like puppy dog eyes.

"Oh joy another case, let's see, Oh Ashton Baker, shot in the head, poor girl." Lucifer passed the case file over to Orphiel who eagerly took it and started reading it.

By this time Charlotte had left to do who knows what probably to get ready to meet Amendiel, Orphiel was looking at the file over and when she finished it she handed it to Chloe, their fingers brushed each other and Orphiel swore she felt something, some kind of electricity but who knows what that means, she was going to have to ask someone, maybe Mazikeen will know.

"Do we have any suspects?" Orphiel crosses her arms to get rid of the electric feeling, she tries to secretly shake her hand off but Lucifer notices, luckily he doesn't say anything just yet.

"The girlfriend is down at the station, I haven't interviewed her yet but she seemed pretty shaken up when we told her." Chloe takes the lead and starts walking the elevator, Orphiel and Lucifer follow her closely behind.

"Did you already move the body?" Lucifer asks getting into Chloe's car, Orphiel had to sit in the back, she had no vote on this.

"We did, she died in a public place, in the middle of a hotel called "Beverly Wilshire" She was shot in the stomach and pushed of the balcony so she was dead when we got there." Chloe sighed, this case seemed very difficult.

Orphiel gasped, she was used to violence but to people who deserved as they're in hell, but Ashton didn't deserve to die, yet she was lying on a slab in the morgue.

They soon pulled into the police station, they quickly found out that Ashton's girlfriend was innocent because she couldn't stop crying and when Lucifer did his "What do you desire?" Bit, she replied with My Girlfriend so that ruled out her, but when they asked if she knows anyone who did this she did have something, She pointed the finger to Ashton's ex-boyfriend, or she also suggested Ashton's brother, so Chloe had dispatch go pick them up.

"How do you know Dan?" Orphiel asks Chloe, Orphiel was sitting on the edge of Chloe's desk making sure not to disturb any of the papers Chloe has laying on her desk.

"Dan is my ex-husband." Chloe looks up from the computer to give Orphiel a tight smile, Chloe was trying to work and this stranger was talking to her.

"Who's this cutie?" Orphiel picks up a picture of Trixie that was sitting on Chloe's desk.

"That is Dan and I's daughter, Trixie." Chloe snatches the photo from Orphiel who frowns but is soon distracted from the two suspects coming in.

Orphiel gets this feeling that Ashton's Brother's tears are fake so she asks if she can be in the interview him, Chloe unwillingly agrees, only one more case then Orphiel can't come with them anymore.

"I promise you I didn't kill Ashton, she was my sister." Ashton's brother pleads as soon as Chloe walks in.

"He's lying." Orphiel suddenly pipes up from out of the blue, He was lying he did kill Ashton, Orphiel just didn't know why.

"How do you know that?" Chloe asks turning to face Orphiel, Chloe was starting to think the was her trick like Lucifer has his little mind game.

"I just do, I can feel it." Orphiel can never explain it, she just feels when someone is lying.

"Tell me, what is it you desire?" Lucifer smiled getting close to Ashton's brother.

"I-I-I want my parents to give me Ashton's money." Ashton's brother stuttered out, he slumped once he said that, he knew he had given himself away.

"So that's why you killed Ashton, for money, wow, unbelievable." Chloe huffs and walks out the door, Lucifer and Orphiel both following her.

"Hey, Orphiel, you may get on my nerves but you're doing a great job." Chloe touches Orphiel lightly on the arm.

"Thank you, does this mean I can be a consultant like Luci?" Orphiel tilts her head.

"Luci huh? Maybe, if you do good on this last case I'll consider it." Chloe laughs when she hears Lucifer's nickname and walks away with a smile.

Progress Orphiel thinks, Chloe is starting to like Orphiel, which is Progress.

Progress Orphiel thinks, Chloe is starting to like Orphiel, which is Progress

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