Can't Leave ❤️

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~ okay sorry it's been awhile guys I've just been caught up in school and work life. I promise from now I will try to make the parts more recently updated again! Thanks for the likes I really appreciate it. Please forgive me and enjoy 😊 ~

As you arrive back to earth, Spinel looks hesitant on going back into the house.

"Won't they? know....."

She gave you an uncomfortable look.

"Not be very thrilled to see me.."

"That's not true! If we explain everything they'll understand. Who knows who Steven was able to bring back or not and even if he was able to, trust me. It's not the first time someone who tried to kill us was redeemed."

You let out a chuckle and she squeezes your hand.

"Thanks Y/N... I really do love you..."

"I love you too"

You blush.

"Don't worry everything is gonna be okay. We're together now."

Spinel let out a huge smile, She begins to relax and you see the pain from her eyes fade away. She realized she's no longer alone..


Steven jumped up in disbelief.


He paused and grew reluctant to approach went his eyes fell on Spinel.

"Um. Hi-i."

Spinel uttered out from behind you, still holding into your arm like a lost toddler

"Now Steven. I know what you may be thinking...."

You try to say but he draws his shield, Pearl wields her spear, Amethyst her whip, and Garnet oblivious still in her default state.


You yell and position yourself between Spinel and Steven, shielding her.

"She doesn't want to hurt us! She just needs a friend! Everything is okay! We talked."

You give a comforting smile to Spinel.

"Wait what?"

Steven asked in shock, dropping his weapon.

"Yeah. So can we jus-

"I know how to stop the injector!"

Spinel exclaims.

Stevens expression became hopeful.


You say under your breathe. She winks at you.

"You do! That's great! Let's go!"

The gems all exchanged a look. You can tell Pearl and Amethyst were brought back. You smile, happy to see them back to themselves.

You, Steven and the gems with Spinel (holding your hand the whole way) head towards the injector, resting on the hill still releasing purple fluid into the earths core. You feel Spinel let go of your hand and turn to see her shapeshifting her hand into a horn, like before when she had arrived. With the sound it made the injector withdrew itself from the earth's crust and was hovering in the sky. Cheers of joy erupted from the gems. Without thinking your curiosity gets the better of you and you make your way to them. You wanna know about how Steven was able to get Pearl and Amethyst back.

"So what would work for Garnet? Maybe something about love.....?"

"Yeah something like that!"

You chime in. You become happy again, completely forgetting the events that had occurred in the last hours. You start feeling that happily ever after feeling again. You begin to have thoughts on how to bring her back.

"But what about me?"

That question interrupts your deep thought. You look over behind you only to find the most heart breaking sight you could imagine. Little Spinel was tearing up all alone, shaking. The pain in her eyes you hoped to have never seen again. Heavy guilt comes over you. How could you forget? You go to comfort her but Steven answers.

"Huh? What's that?"

Steven asked, cold heartily

"Is that all you needed me for?"

Her voice was getting shaky.

"Well-um sort of"

You gasp. Especially for Steven that was pretty ignorant to say.


You start to say.

"We can forget any of this ever happened"

Steven said looking at you and the others.

"How are you gonna forget with me around?"

She asked as if she was directly asking you.

"Don't pretend you want me!! I'm the source of all your problems!!"

Her panicked magenta eyes widened on you.

"Where are you gonna leave me?!?!?"

She cried. Asking you.

"Are you gonna leave me alone??"

She grabbed her chest, hysterically shaking. God it was so heartbreaking to watch.

"Spinel no!"

You yelled tears starting to roll down your face.

"That's not what he meant!"

"Don't lie to me Y/N!"

She hissed.

"You never loved me... did you?"

You want to tell her how you really felt. How much you did loved her and how you were foolish to forget about her for even a damn second. You wanted to tell her how so bad you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her and how wonderful she made you feel. You wanted to say all of that in that very moment while kissing her lips and holding her close to you. You've never felt like this about someone in your entire life.

"Wait-what does she mean?"

Steven asked you. You look his way only to see him be knocked down by a powerful force that was Spinel's stretched leg. The scythe that belonged to her fell from his pocket, gliding across the rock towards her. She picked it up.

"Why do you have this?"

She looked at you again

"Were you in on this too?"

She asked in a menacing voice.

"Of course you were! And I thought I could trust you! How foolish of me!"

She again shape-shifted her hand into a horn and brought the injector back down.

After it settled down, releasing more purple fluid, She evilly laughed and walks closer to you.

"And I thought saving the earth could mean we could live our own life here together."

She whispered in your ear.

"Spinel I still do lov-

Her fist full-forced knocked you in the face and you fall to the ground bleeding.


Steven ran but Spinel activated her scythe again, making the gems instinctively step back.

"Well I guess my work here is done"

She growled.

"And there's one more thing!"

She looked down at you and grabbed you by the shirt.

"You're still mine! That was the deal! You said you weren't gonna leave me and you won't for all eternity! So say goodbye to your REAL FRIENDS!"

"LET  Y/N GO!"

Steven began running, trying to catch her. It was too late. Next thing you knew you were on top of the injector. Her lips on yours. Her hands wrapped around your neck.  

~I really hope you enjoyed!! I'm gonna get the next part out faster because I'm really excited for it!!! Sorry for the wait!!! ❤️😘

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