Chapter 25

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Lena's POV

I could feel Kara's breath on my skin as she leaned closer but before anything else happened someone interrupted us making Kara jump away quickly "LENA GIRL IS THAT YOU" a exited female said as I turned and saw nun other the "Penelope park" I smiled.

"Gosh I missed you so much Lena" the raven haired girl said as she hugged me "It's been so long, how have you been". I smile not believing my best friend is in front of me looking amazing "well I have my own company and so far life is great what about you" I stepped back so I could see her better.

"Well I'm going to get married to Josie finally" she replied as she showed me her engagement ring "and I see that you have one of your own, did kara finally made the move" she wiggled her eyebrows as Kara's face turned bright red.

"Umm no actually that's why I came to see kara" I said as I looked at kara "I was going to tell you that you could stop decorating since there is no anniversary and there wouldn't be another one". Kara looked shocked but sad "wait what, why did Gabby found out you forgot and got mad or..." she replied as she came closer "oh no umm she cheated on me" I said as I felt a knot in my throat and I tried to fight back the tears. "I don't have a clue who that damn Gabby is but I will grab my bat and go to her house" said Penelope with a sharp look in her face.

"Hold on baseball girl, we are not in the purge" I replied letting out a chuckle while Kara laughed. Penelope was about to say something but her phone went off so she went somewhere else to take the call. "Are you ok Lena, do you want to talk about" asked Kara as she reached for my hands.

I felt warm and I felt butterflies all over my stomach when I felt her touch in my skin. "Uhh yeah I mean I did see it coming since our relationship hasn't been the so good so far" I replied as I felt some tears coming out of my eyes.

Kara wiped out the tears and hugged me. She stared rubbing her hand on my back, making me safe and happy.

"Well ladies I have to go I have to meet Josie for dinner at her parents house to tell them the news" said Penelope as she came back "oh and Lena if you ever need help I'm here for you, here my number". Penelope gave me a sticky note and hugged me then Kara as she whispered something so light not even my super hearing could hear.

It was getting pretty cold outside and I could see kara was shivering as she was watching Penelope leave. "Here take this" I said to kara as I took off my coat "what no I'm not cold" replied Kara.

"Come on kara you are shivering, and besides my house is 3 minutes away from here I can get another coat" I said as I wrapped kara in the coat. "Lena.. I missed you" whispered kara as she held the coat tightly. "Wanna eat dinner and talk" I replied ignoring what she just said "I mean we have a whole table set out so, why not enjoy it".

Kara smiled and walked to the table to serve me a glass of wine. "So tell me everything that I missed" I said as I took a sip of wine. "Well then we will have to be here all night" Kara chuckled a little, I laughed and replied "well if that's the case we can finish dinner and got to my place to drink some more wine".

Kara nodded and ordered Chinese food like always and we sat there talking as we forgot about the cold weather. Then we ate like the old days ignoring life and just focusing on each other's eyes. We finished our food and I took kara to my house.

Hey guys so how are you liking the story so far. If y'all want y'all can leave some ideas or suggestions. Ok now that's all for now bye :)

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