Chapter Three - Chloe

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I woke up to see myself in the hospital bed. I tried to move around, but the more I tried the more pain I was in. The classic white walls seemed to glow from the bright sunlight that leaked into the room. A steady beeping echoed through my ears as I glanced around...or at least tried to.  I turned my head to the left and saw a vase of roses. I smiled and grabbed the card next to it. It had a fancy letter on the front that made my heart flutter.

Dear girl,

I know what you did was brave. Nobody would've done something like that for me or even given a second thought that my life mattered. I wanna let you know that whatever happens next, I'm here to help. I do owe you since you saved my life.


I couldn't help but smile. That was the sweetest thing anyone ever wrote out of the three letters I received in my lifetime.  As I looked around some more, I could smell the medicine that they gave me and the classic hospital smell. I stretched my arm that followed with a big yawn.

"I see you're awake," the nurse said walking in. I nod.

"Yeah. I feel all stiff though," I say. She chuckled while nodding.  She was slim and tall, a very petite woman and her brown hair was pulled in a tight bun with a short skirt under her lab coat. She set the tray down gently before walking to me. Her emerald green eyes held sympathy and kindness.

"Well, sleeping for three days straight kinda does that to you." I freeze at the statement. Three days? I've been sleeping for 72 hours straight? How was that even possible? "The crash caused you some major blood loss," she said as if reading my mind. "It knocked you out cold." I shake my head.

"When do I get to go home?" I asked.

"In a couple of days," she answered cheerfully. "The doctors are still trying to stabilize your blood pressure." I groan. Two more days in this room, and I was sure I'd go insane. "Don't worry. There are a lot of people that want to come to visit you." I look at her confused. "Starting with that handsome gentleman that helped patch up that arm." Jackson? Why would he come and see me? We barely knew each other. 

"Send him in," I say without thinking. She nodded and walked out. I took that moment to throw my head back and rest my neck.

"I see you got my flowers." a voice said startling me. I look to see the young man from a few days ago standing there. "I didn't know what type was your favorite. Roses are mine, so I thought you'd enjoy them." I smile automatically.

"They are beautiful," I say. Jackson stood there awkwardly, tapping his foot on the tile. "Take a seat." He hesitated before sitting in the chair across from the bed. We sat in silence. It felt really awkward, considering we knew nothing about each other. "So," I began finally, "tell me about yourself." He chuckled before sighing.

"I'm afraid I'm not that interesting." I smile. He wore a white t-shirt, with light ripped jeans and white tennis shoes. "I'd probably put you to sleep." He said while rubbing his neck.

"Try me." I challenge. He rubbed his hands together.

"Alright. What do you want to know?" I chuckle.

"Anything." He rolled his eyes.

"Very specific," he replied. "You still haven't told me your name." I look at the covers of the bed.

"I'm Chloe Hearts," I answer. "And I want to thank you." His expression turned from happiness to confusion in mere seconds throwing me off guard.

"For what? It should be me thanking you," he said standing up. "You did save my life." I watched as he crossed the room to the window. I moved my blond hair out of my face.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here," I say. He turned and looked at me. His bright blue eyes stared into my hazel ones. He walked closer to me and sat on the edge of the bed. I couldn't help but stare into the ocean blue color. 

"If it weren't for you... I'd be dead," he said. I tried to look away, but we just continued to look at each other. It was like we understood each other and that a sudden connection formed instantly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I finally ask as a piece of blond hair hung in my face. Jackson noticing, slowly moved his hand to brush the small piece of hair out of my face.

"Like what?" he asked. I smack him playfully in the arm. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He stood up and walked to the door. "I gotta get to basketball practice. Take care, blondie." I chuckled softly.

"You too, sporty." I watch as he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. I released a breath before rubbing my head before realizing, Jackson. School. Jock. Of course! He plays for RiverRidge's basketball team. He was the most popular boy in the school. I pull the covers over my head and mentally scream at myself. "Well done Chloe," I tell myself. "Falling for a basketball player." 

I know the chapters are short and I hope you don't mind. I'll update tomorrow when I have the chance!!! Keep being who you are and I'll talk to you lovely people tomorrow!! Feel free to message me about books or if you just need to talk! 

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