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Well, lunch was kinda awkward. I held Qwans held even though i do this all the time , it was kinda different.

Like he for a moment felt the same feelings i had for him all this time.

I walk into 4th period kinda late , Mr. Decks greets me at the door.

"Hello Monae, why are you late?"

"I had to help lunch setup", obviously lying.

"Okay next time don't be late" He says.


I walk to the empty desk on the side of the classroom, not acknowledging anyone even qwan. I wanted his attention felt like i needed it. I NEED CLARIFICATION, but obviously i'm to pussy to simply ask "Do you like me".

"Today we are going to be making a cell. Find a partner, u have the entire period". Mr Decks says.

"This nigga always on tip" I hear Qwan say, I don't respond because i want him to know i'm upset , or want attention.

Qwan awkwardly gets up and starts to walk over, we make eye contact. I could feel him staring into my soul. Of course in a good way. He's so damn fine i say i my head, because he really is , the definition of his dark skin and white teeth. He played it off and laughed then finally walked over here, i laughed to.

He sits down.

"Wanna be partners?" he says.

I played it off like i didn't hear him.

"Helooooo do you wanna be partners?" he says.


Mr. Decks hands us the materials we ignore knowing damn well we not about to do this project and we're gonna do this at my place.

"Why you always reading that damn book?" he says.

"Why you always looking so damn ugly" I say jokingly.

"Shut up 😂".

"Fr though when i was young before my dad died we would always read books now that's all i do now in memory of him".

"Oh I didn't know that, my bad".

*I put my head back down and the mood fades and turns mellow*.

*He scoots closer puts his leg on mine and his hand on mines close as fuck to my thigh also*.

WOOOOOO. This boy must want my kidssss😂

He takes the book out of my hand slowly and says "how about, we don't do this right now and do this project at-".

I cut him off. "Yes we can do this at my place".

"Haha, you sure your moms-"

I cut him off again , "Is that even a question? of course she is my dukes loves you!"

"Lmao, ok want me to get a chromebook" he says.

"You already know"

He gets up to get a chromebook Him and Mr. Decks talk. Not knowing what they're talking about , i put my head right back down and into my book.

He starts to walk back towards my seat.

"RING RING!" it was the bell, i really didn't care because i was gonna be with him all day anyways since he's coming over.

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