A Quick Announcement

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Hello! This is AmberUmber (obviously), here with some backstory to clear some things up before we begin. So:

First off, I have not planned this story at all. I just decided I wanted to write something, and than came up with this. It might turn out absolute shit. It might become a beautiful masterpiece. Either way, I'm just trying things out here, so if you would please just bear with me, that'd be great.

Secondly,  if there is grammatical errors, I'm very sorry. I'm still a grade student. I will, however, try my best to make this easily understandable. No big weird words like "loquacious".

Thirdly, please do not repost this story without my consent. I'm not particularly uptight about these things, so if you do decide to be a grade-A asshole and do it anyway, please (I'm begging you, for the god's sakes, please) credit me properly as AmberUmber on wattpad.com. PLEASE.

Okay, now for a little info on the story;

So. The main character is Nova Perez, a biracial Colombian on her mother's side. This mean that her mother is Colombian, for those of you who don't get it. She has a twin brother named Noah, who in adolescence is beginning to show psychopathic tendencies. 

This is fairly common knowledge, but let me just put it out there: psychopathy is a mental disorder in of which the part of the brain that allows a human to feel empathy for other living things is damaged or missing entirely. This can be caused by extreme trauma or can simply be a birth condition. Often psychopaths struggle with feeling emotion in general beyond mild annoyance or fondness. About 90% of all serial killers are also psychopaths.

This information could be wrong. I'm not an expert. However, this what I'm using in the story, so deal with it. 

Nova is also telekinetic. She can move shit with her mind. However, these powers are becoming harder and harder to control.

And when a devastating tragedy destroys one of the few things she could count on in life, she's left swimming with sharks - sharks being her rapidly expanding powers, a weird ghost that just won't leave her alone, her psychopathic brother, and a murderer who's been targeting her family for generations.

I think it sounds pretty promising. Let's see what happens. 

Thanks, this is AmberUmber, have a good life, if you die I'll kill you, happy birthday. Bye.

Edit: Alright! I started this story a little while ago, but now that I have a more solid idea of what's to come, I would like to include a trigger warning. Please do not read or exercise caution in reading if you are sensitive to:


Self-harm/Suicide/Suicidal thoughts


Possible gore

Possible assault or sexual assault

Extreme mental disorders

Disturbing thoughts

Also, note that this story is intended to be dark and disturbing, so even if you have no problem with any of the above topics, please still exercise caution if you are a sensitive person!

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