Sunday-Romantic Sunset

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Sakura pov

"Sakura?! Wake up are you ok!?" Came Sasuke's voice from behind my door. I jumped up and cursed myself for laying there and falling asleep without packing for our mission first. I stretched as again Sasuke's fist hit my door.

"Sakura!" He yelled.

I sighed and opened my door, "Sorry Sasuke-kun I fell asleep at my door last night." I sheepishly said.

He glared at me, "Come on in." I said standing aside.

"Sakura please just hurry, we have to leave soon." He said, I nodded as he walked in and shut the door. I ran to the bathroom took a shower and quickly packed.

"Ok lets go!"I cheered. He gave a smirk and followed me out the door.

We walked side by side threw the forest, a wave of silence washed over us. I was used to it tho because Sasuke was a man of few words.

After about an hour of walking we rested in the cloud village.

"Stop Sakura." Sasuke abruptly said. My eyes widened as I looked over at him, he glanced around.

"Someones been following us, they have been for a while now." He growled. I nodded and took out a kunai, but Sasuke touched my hand.
"They dont know where we are and their closing fast. Kiss me." He said.

"What?" I asked surprised, was this really Sasuke? Not giving me a chance to say anymore, he pressed his lips to mine. I was lost in the warmth that his kiss was spreading through me. After what seemed like an eternity he pulled away and I felt myself give a light moan. My face grew hot, but he turned away and drew his katana.

"Get ready Sakura!!" He yelled. My eyes widened, he pushed me lightly but all my instincts told me to run so I grabbed his hand and together we ran.

We ran threw the cloud village, dodging people on the way. From behind us I could hear the footsteps from multiple people but I wasn't about to look back. Sasuke stayed by my side as we reached the small strech of woods that cut off the lightning village from the village hidden in the Roses.

"Sakura keep going! I'll handle them." He yelled. That made me instantly stop. He looked back at me and yelled, "What are you doing! Go on!"

I turned and saw three ninja running full speed at us. Sasuke jumped back to my side, my hand found his and I gave a meek smile as I held it.

They all held kunai and were shouting threats. "Sakura, look away." Sasuke said, looking over at him I noticed his eyes were the crimson everyone had started to fear. In a flash he started forward and clashed with the ninja but one was too fast and made it around his guard and came charging at me.

He growled and swung at me but I blocked then with a large amout of chakra being pumped into my fist I swung and hit him square in his jaw, sending him flying back into his teammate's.

Sasuke grabbed my hand and together we ran. After what seemed like forever we stood in the walls of the Rose village. Roses sprouted everwhere, and villagers smiled at us.

"Wow. This place is beautiful." I gasped. Sasuke nodded, but then he noticed he was still holding my hand so he quickly let go and cleared his throat.

"Let's find a hotel. I'm tired and dragging your annoying butt around hasn't helped." He muttered.

"Excuse me?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

He just glared at me but then we were approached by a random guy. He smiled at us, "Hello! Are you two here for the Rose couple pagent?" He asked. Sasuke started to reply but I quickly answered for him, "Why yes we are. Any ideas of somewhere we could stay the night?" I asked. He gave Sasuke a wide smile, "You and your lovely lady friend want a quiet night to be alone? Huh?" He said with a wink, which made me blush but Sasuke stayed cool and collected as always. The man lead us toward a nice hotel, I glanced over and caught a glace at the beautiful sunset, my hand found Sasuke's and I smiled. Maybe I can be happy after all.

To be cont...

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