8 - Aria

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Aria's POV:

"You Ok there baby?" Brax threw me his signature smirk knowing he had caught me checking him out,

"Yep" I was quite happy sitting on the bathroom bench, greedily running my eyes over my gorgeous man who was standing only in a towel. I watched  him intently as he was shaving. The man standing in front of me was an absolute god, since he'd left school he had been focused on helping his Dad but he had also been spending a lot of time in the gym working out - his muscles were more defined now, his shoulders had gotten wider and he had tattoos - the skin on his arms, back and torso had become a canvas, and I loved every single one of them, every time I saw them they drove me wild and he knew it - I think that's why there are so many. On his abdomen he wore the mark of the gang, a large black and white wolf on his right side, a gun on the left, under his collarbone the phrase 'Strength through loyalty' in thick black cursive, On his neck from under his right ear to his shoulder he had a crucifix - 'Aria' marked the centre of the piece, all brought together with an intricate weaving of tribal designs, Covering his full back was a skull, the eyes hollowed out and black, the teeth razor sharp and pointed, he hadn't started on his legs yet though he told me it was only a matter of time - the way my body reacted every time he added another one had him determined to cover his entire body in them only his forearms were to remain blank, though I knew the reason for that,


"Tell me" I begged,

"No" He laughed at me, I playfully hit his chest as he continued laughing at my fake pout, pulling me back to him he lifted me so I was sitting across his naked chest,

"Why won't you tell me" I sulked, tracing my fingers lightly over the words tattooed on his chest, though he just smiled at me, there was so much love in his eyes I knew I was winning "Please Brax" I battered my eyes as him, he sighed

"Fuck, you know exactly how to get all up in my head don't you baby, you know exactly how to get me to give you what you want?"

"Maybe" I shrugged, smiling down at him, raising my eyebrow waiting for his answer,

"Fine, you wanna know why I'm leaving them blank?"

"Yep, I mean the rest of your upper body is covered, I don't see why you won't get your forearms done"

"Its not time yet baby"

"Whats that supposed to mean"

"Well I had this idea, On one of my wrists I want a calendar, the other a clock - they will be the date and time I marry you"

For a moment he had rendered me speechless and that was no easy task,

"Oh my god Brax, really?" I whispered

"Yeah baby", leaning down I placed a soft kiss to his lips, allowing them to stay slightly connected as I spoke,

"That's the most amazing fucking thing ever, though it doesn't explain your forearms"

He held them up turning them over as he spoke,

"2 arms, 4 sides, 4 babies"

"You thought about that?"

"Thought about what? fucking you, filling you with so much of my cum you get pregnant with my kids, the way your body would grow and expand to hold my babies, you're kidding right? fuck yeah I've thought about it"

"You have a dirty, dirty mouth Mr. Black"

"You know you love it baby"

"Yes I do"

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