Part 13

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"Yes, I will be there by nine am for the interview" Replied Shana to the person on the phone. After she hung up she jumped on to her feet and rushed to her cupboard to see what she could wear for the interview in two days. She picked out a navy blue pantsuit and hung it. Her phone rang and she checked who it was. Rolled her eyes when she saw it was April calling Again. she had been avoiding April's calls since they met last. She had no time to help her as she had to help herself get her life on track. The phone stopped ringing and then after a few minutes the sound of a text message. " WHEN is she going to understand, I don't want anything to do with them!" Shana said louder than expected. She felt guilty for not helping but she was determined not to get mixed up with them anymore. Her thoughts suddenly turned to Jin. She still did not open his messages. She was scared that she would give in to him and then want to see him again. She walked to the terrace where She and Jin had a good moment. She had been always with someone that now she was confused about what she felt towards Jin must have been her again not wanting to be alone. She shook her head to get rid of her thoughts and walked into the kitchen to make some coffee. Her phone rang again and when she checked this time it was her mother. She smiled as she picked up her phone " MUM!!! how are you?" " I am fine love, just called to say I will be staying with Mrs. Thomas at the hospital for two days as she has no one to help her with." Shana had not heard that name before so she asked her mother who it was. " She is a widow who lives down the street. She Moved in about a year ago with her husband but he passed away a few months ago. She has to do a small surgery so I said I would help her." Shana was quiet till her mum spoke and then asked " Why do you need to help others so much, mum? Don't you want to do things for yourself?". Mum was taken back by Shana's question " Why are you asking me this suddenly? You know I have always helped anyone I could. If someone needs my help I would help them because it makes me happy and most of all If I don't help someone who asked for my help and I am able to help it would only make me feel bad that I did not help". Shana felt a bit annoyed but tried to hide it. " I just don't want anyone taking advantage of you mum." Shana said almost whispering. " Shana, you know since you were little that I am a person who would help anyone without expecting anything in return. It's my nature. My darling daughter, I know you have that nature in you too." After a few seconds of silence, Mum spoke again " Do you want to tell me what's on your mind?" Shana sat on the couch not sure if she wanted to explain everything to her mother. " Nothing mum, I just said what was on my mind". After that, they spoke for a few more minutes and hung up. Shana let out a long sigh. She tried to push out her thoughts of April asking her help. There was this nagging feeling which was getting to her but she was determined not to give in to all of that. " I need to read up on the company I am going for the interview." She told herself hoping it would make her forget about not helping April.

Wednesday by eight-forty am Shana was seated waiting for her turn to be interviewed. She nervously looked around. There were two others seated.  She had applied to three schools and this was the first interview she was called in. Her heart was beating so fast she was almost feeling dizzy.  She almost stood up when one of the other girl's name was called out. She mumbled under her breath. She felt her phone vibrating. She hurriedly pulled it out of her pant pocket out to check if it were her mum. It was April again. Shana sighed. Closing her eyes she wished April would stop calling her. It had been just over a week she did not respond to any of April's calls or messages. Just then she heard her name been called. She stood up and straightened her shoulders and walked in feeling confidant. Twenty minutes later she walked out with a smile on her face. The interview had gone well. She had hoped she would be called back. She took a cab back home and when she got out of the elevator she removed her coat, she stopped walking when she saw a familiar figure standing outside her door. Geo had not noticed her yet. She was contemplating if she should go back into the elevator when noticed him looking at her. He slowly walked towards her as she stood looking at him. She suddenly felt her heart feeling heavy. " Hi, Shana" Geo spoke softly. Shana just stood there looking at him. In her head she thought she was saying " Geo, I have nothing to say to you so please leave." but instead she felt her lips drop into a sad pout. He walked up to her wanting to hug her but she took a few steps back and with her hand, she gestured him to stop. He stopped and looked at her and she unaware tears were rolling down her cheeks. Shana did not want to deal with Geo right now. She turned around to walk down the stairs when Geo forcefully turned her around and hugged her and pulled her into his arms. " I am sorry babe." He said as she struggled to let go of his hands but he held on to her and just hugged her harder. " Geo, let me go, I do not need this right now." She said trying to sound as if she meant it. Geo knew Shana too well, He continued to hug her till she calmed down. " I am really sorry babe, Please let's talk." She tried to push him but eventually gave up.  She felt his body relax as soon as she stopped struggling. He still held on to her tight. She rested her head on his chest till she calmed down and he stroked her hair till he felt she was ok to let go. ". After a few minutes, he lifted her chin to look at her " Can we go inside?" She let go of him and walked up to the door. She felt embarrassed after she let him in. He walked in and looked around. " Nice place." He told her. She excused herself and went into the washroom to freshen up. When she came back out Geo was seated on the couch looking through a magazine. She walked and sat on the chair opposite of him. " What are you doing here Geo?" she asked politely. He took a deep breath. " I should have come sooner, But I needed to sort my head out before I did."He paused for a few seconds to collect his thoughts. " Shana, first I am sorry how I messed things up! I know I hurt you a lot more than I expected, BUT  there is a lot more than what I said on that day."Geo saw Shana roll her eyes and he laughed. " I saw that!" " but babe just listen this one time and if you still feel what happened was totally wrong I will never bring it up again." 

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