competitive - diego

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dedicated to thorofthevalkyries who loves her bby diego

"Y/N, I don't know if this is a great idea."

"It's an amazing idea. You don't need to worry Diego."

"What if I h-hurt you?"

"I'm old enough to protect myself, thank you very much. Where's your faith in me?"

"I've got plenty of faith in you, but... I-I don't have faith in me."

"You'll do great. You've been improving a bunch lately!"

"You sure about this?"

"Yes, Diego! If I finally get this down, Pops may actually stop nagging me for the day."

Diego only nodded unsure, and readied his old practice knife, awaiting my next move. I took a deep breathe, relaxed my muscles, and began envisioning a flame. I let the fire slowly rise inside of me, feeling its warmth. I exhaled and flicked my eyes open. Diego seemed to watch my blazing eyes, hoping I would back out; but I didn't.

I stood my ground and Diego directed his knife towards where I stood in the yard. With a smirk, I flipped out of the way; the knife passing by me. When the knife came back, I conjured a burst of flame. The impact drove the knife away, and into the hands of Diego.

When he caught the knife between his skilled hands, he smirked slightly, finally letting his previous uncertainty go. I happily smirk back, welcoming a challenge.

He threw the knife once more. Finally happy with the arrangement, I took off. I bobbed and weaved around the yard, successfully dodging the knife. I jumped through the air, climbed trees, and I thrusted out my charged blasts. We were having fun, Diego and I, just laughing, being kids.

I was finally going to attempt the move I'd been struggling with for weeks. My downfall, however, was that Diego began to become competitive, as did I; it's why we worked well together, feeding off each other. He wished to truly challenge me on a whole new pace. I, in my immature mind, didn't prepare for a tempo change. I was doing great at the time.

Diego threw his knife one last time, and I steadied my hands. As soon as it neared, I shot out a tremendous blast of fire, attempting to melt the old knife's metal. At first, it worked! Rapidly, the metal was depleting; it's original shape gone. But, the problem is, it wasn't melting fast enough. There was more metal, and less time than I anticipated. How wrong I had been.

Panic spread through my body as I noticed the knife not fully melted, a tiny piece still intact. My reaction time was hardly existence. In the blink of an eye, as I attempted to dodge the best I could, that one tiny piece sliced my side. Straight across my left hip a burning erupted. Not the burning I felt in my soul. The burning that mean harm, injury. I immediately went down, clutching my side in shock and agony.

As soon as Diego realized what took place, his smile fell, he dropped the piece, and ran to me. He dropped down beside me, grabbing for my face. He checked to see if I was breathing, but saw the pain in my face, tears brimming.

I could hardly register the world around me. All I knew was the searing pain in my side. It wasn't a simple injury, that I knew. The pain only grew, as did my conscience's want to rest.

"Are you okay?! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have ever agree to this!"

I wanted to tell him it was my own stupidity to blame, but the pain became too much, and I lost conscience.


Diego shook my shoulders in panic.

"Y/N! Come on, s-stay with me!"

Diego, frightened of the worst, rolled up my sleeve, checking for a pulse. Thankfully, there was a slight pulse.

"Help! Someone help!"

Unknown to Diego and I, the other Hargreeves children watched us battle it out. They deemed it better than continuing their boring chess game and book reading. Ben said it was dangerous, but quietly watched. Allison agreed, but was far more curious about her sister's power. Luther bet on me besting Diego. Five beg the opposite. He knew I still couldn't control my power. Vanya, who sat in the corner, believed us two would tie. And, Klaus? Klaus was laughing, running around, shouting fighting sounds, and commentating.

But he stopped laughing when they all realized I had been injured. Immediately, they all jumped up and rushed outside. Five teleported. The boys all took a hold of one of my limbs each, and they all rushed into the house, screaming for Grace.

She went into nurse mode, demanding them to place me carefully on the nearby kitchen table. She put on her apron and acquired emergency equipment from one of the cabinets. At that point Hargreeves joined the room.

"What's going on here? Who did this?"

"It was an accident. I d-didn't mean to hurt her. She wanted to train and I-"

"I'll deal with you later. Get away from the table!"

Hargreeves then began his work, and examined my sliced side. The cut was deep, almost to my bone, so stitches were required. However, what I would end up paying more for was the scorching heat of the actual knife piece.

Now, according to dear Pops, with my power, fire itself shouldn't effect me in any negative form. But at the time, I still didn't have full control. And well... I got a severe third degree burn, one that left a scar.

The following week I was monitored, bed-ridden, and in and out of sleep. My siblings would visit me whenever they could escape Hargreeves watchful eye. The blood loss definitely hit me hard. But the fact Diego felt guilty, hit me harder. He refused to visit me, and would only talk to be polite. We slowly healed, and he became highly protective, but he kept his distance. I think because he was afraid he'd hurt me again. I lost my best friend; my scar reminded me of it. The same scar I am now touching, out of habit, while reminiscing.

Pops is dead. I'm standing in my old childhood home. Wasn't a great childhood, but it had its ups. My siblings may have all gone their separate ways, but I still want to see them. And now I'm here, looking at the door, awaiting someone's arrival for the funeral.

At the sound of the door click, I perk my head up. It slowly opens, the person most likely hesitant to return. A smile forms on my lips as I rise from the stairs I once sat on.

"Hey, Diego."

He stops in his tracks and slowly looks at me.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Long time no see huh?"

"You could say that."

I walk towards him, and I quickly see him stiffen. But I don't stop. I reach out as I near him and grab a hold of his hand. Diego barely meets my eye. The sight broke my heart. Unable to contain myself, I let go of his hand, and engulf myself into his arms. I hold on for dear life, and Diego remains there unsure of how to react. But slowly, he raises his arms to wrap around my frame.

"I missed you."

Diego squeezed me slightly, and put his head in the crook of my neck.

"I've missed you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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