Chapter 1- Truth Revealed

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Cat's POV

I woke up to hear voices whispering around me, I opened my eyes to see Joe, Casper, Zoe, Tanya, Alfie and Marcus looking at me whispering to eachother, I jumped.

"Jesus christ what the hell are you doing in here?" I asked shooting up throwing on jogging bottoms as I was only wearing a t-shirt and underwear.

"You were uh, your nose was bleeding in your sleep," Joe said looking down rubbing his neck.

"Yeah and these two idiots called us panicking," Alfie said pushing Casper slightly.

"You're kidding right?" I asked panicking a little.

"No sorry," Joe said guiltily, Casper and Joe were the only ones who knew my history properly. I looked over to my pillow which was soaked in blood.

"Shit," I said running about throwing on clothes.

"What's wrong?" Zoe asked throwing me my phone.

"N-n-nothing just gotta go out for a little while though, see you later guys." I said grabbing my keys and driving up to the hospital.

--At the hospital--

"Ms. Underwood I am sorry to tell you this but it's back. Your tumour is back and I'm afraid there isn't really anything we can do treatment wise, it is inoperable. I'm sorry to say but there is only an 8% chance of you survuving this." I nodded and left wiping away my tears and getting into my car.

I sat outside in my car for a good hour just crying in my car. I eventually got myself together and went up to the apartment, everyone had went home so it was just me, Joe and Caspar.

"CAT!!!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?" Caspar shouted attacking me with a hug. I pushed him off.

"FUCK OFF CASPAR!!!" I yelled running downstairs to my room slamming the door shut. I put my back against it and collapsed onto the floor bringing my knees to my chin, breaking into fresh tear crying into my knees. Someone knocked on my door lightly.

"Cat, can I come in?" Joe asked softly.

"Fuck off Joe," I muffled, I heard him sigh and sit down outside the door.

"Look we just want to know what happened was something to do with your history with cancer and we're just worried about you so please please let me in," he asked calmly. I stood up and opened the door. Joe fell back onto the floor. I burst in laughter along with tears, "I totally meant to do that to get you laugh," he said pulling himself up and pulling me into a hug, "So do you want to tell me where you scattered off to this morning?" he laughed.

"Fine. I went to the hospital and told them what happened and since they knew my history with 'it', they gave me and MRI scan and it's back. The tumour is back but this time it isn't operatable so there's only a 8% chance of me surving it again," his face fell tears streaming down his face, he pulled me into a hug as I cried into his chest.

"You'll survive. You did the last time. You'll make it this time." he whispered into my hair still crying.

"Joe you and me both know that's not true so this time I'm gonna have to tell the rest of the guys," he shook his head.

"You'll make it. You will. You can't leave us. You can't. Ever." he said pulling away.

"Joe calm down. Your gonna end up having a panic attack calm down." I said putting my hands on his shoulders. He collapsed onto me hugging me.

"I just don't want to lose you," he whispered wiping his eyes.

"I don't want to lose any of you guys but it's going to happen no matter what we say about," I said kissing his cheek.

"CAT!!!!" Caspar shouted hugging me as Joe phoned for the rest of the youtube crew to come over. I laughed, "Don't do that to us, I swear to god." he scolded.

"Oh shut up you shithead," I hit his shoulder lightly.

"Your mean," he pouted.

"Your South African, you point is?"I asked.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha," he laughed sarcastically, "Whatever so what's the verdict of em you know?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck looking down.

"Not good Casp," I saw tears brimming in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug as tears ran down his face.

"What's your percentage?" he mummbled through the tears.

"8%," he hugged me tighter.

"Who gives someone cancer twice before they're even fucking 25?" he said letting me go, wiping his eyes.

"HEY CAT THE GUYS ARE HERE!!!!" Joe yelled from the living room. I walked into the living room.

"What's you want to talk about well this morning. I'm assuming you want to know what was up?" they nodded looking at me.

"Well the thing is about a two years ago I was diagnoised with a brain tumour but 6 months ago I was cleared but now because of what happened I went to the hospital and the cancer is back. And well I don't have really any chance of survival. My survival rate is 8 percent." Zoe burst into tears hugging me. I rubbed her back soothingly trying to calm her down as Jim tried to calm Tanya. The rest of te boys had tears brimming in their eyes. Eventually Zoe calmed down and went home with Alfie.

"So who wants to watch a movie?" Jim beamed trying to keep everyone's spirits up.

"ME!!!!" We all shouted and collapsed into laughter.

"It's like being friend with toddlers," he said shaking his head before putting on Insidious. I sat inbetween Marcus' legs on the floor beside Joe. While Caspar sat next to Marcus. I jumped burying my head into Joe's shoulder. I sat up as the scary part was over. By the end everyone was cuddled into someone. Me and Joe into eachother, Tanya was sat on Jim's lap huddled  into his chest asleep and Caspar and Marcus were having a bromance moment sleeping on  top of eachother, Marcus with his head on Caspar's lap. Eventually everyone was asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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