[4] Heartbreak

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This will possibly get real angsty. Let me know if you want a part 2.


Her tissues covered her bed as the cold snow fell elegantly outside. Pure heartbreak covered her face though she found out hours ago. Yet here she was crying in her bed.


Y/n stepped inside after a day of fun she and Susie had outside. Y/n was about the same age range of Susie, just a year older.

Them and Julie were the best of friends. It was like them against the world. Was.

Y/n placed her bag down as she smiled to Susie letting her know she'd be heading to her room upstairs.

Every step she took she had this bad feeling. A gut feeling, the one that you trust.

As she got to the top of the stairs she glanced down for a second to see Susie cudding into Joey.

She smiled before heading to her room that happened to be next to Frank's. As she came and was about to pass his room she saw it.

Him and Julie cuddling and kissing on his bed. Julie saw her and stopped. Frank got up and walked to the door.

Looking at Y/n's eyes for a second to see one tear fall down her face. His eye's widened as she turned away to her room.

He watched her leave and closed the door after.


Her crys turned into soft  sniffles as she stepped out of bed. The clock ticked showing it was now 10pm.

Her hair stuck to her red tear stained face as she placed her items in her second bag. She couldn't stay here for a while. Not after Julie betrayed her.

She told Julie about being in love with him a month ago but it seems that Julie liked him to.

Slipping on her shoes, she stepped outside her room quietly as she saw Frank's door open with them sleeping together in her bed.

She stopped for a moment and watched them as Frank woke up and saw her. All he could see was a hooded figure in the hallway with a bag over their shoulder.

He stepped out of his bed and rushed to them with his knife as they jumped the second floor railing.

Frank jumped the second floor as well and quietly made his way over to her as she made it outside as fast as she could.

He grabbed her hood and widened his eyes to see Y/n.

"Where are you going? You know it's not safe at night."

"I'm going away. I can't be here."

She looked up into his eye's as his hands kept her from leaving.

"Why? Why would you leave the one placed you're safe in?

"Because I loved you. Now you're with Julie. I told her that I loved you, yet she went after you anyway. I don't want to be around her. It makes me upset."

His concerned eyes watched as tears fell against her face once more. He let go of her shoulders and watched her walk toward the woods.

"Will you come back?"

Y/n turned to him one last time. Tears streaming down her face. Her voice seemingly going out,

"I don't know."

Frank watched as she turned away and disappeared deep into the dark snowy woods.


Frank Morrison ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now