He finds out that your pregnant at a young age

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Niall 15- You had missed to period this month and you have been feeling sick often. You and your boyfriend had done it lately but you thought you used protection. Just to be sure you decided to buy a pregnancy test.

You were sitting on the couch, ready to go out when you got a phone call from your brother, niall.
"Princess!" You heard his deep Irish accent say through the phone.
"Hiya!" you replied.
"What you doing today?" he asked.
"Nothing, was gonna go shopping!" you laughed.
"Can I come, lunch on me!" He laughed. You agreed and he picked you up 20 minutes later.

You had both spent about 3 hours shopping and your last stop was a drug store. You told niall you was gonna go get some girly stuff. He agreed with you awkwardly and decided to head over to the Nike shop.
You didn't realise just how long you were taking and just as you picked out the right test niall came and jumped up behind you.
You dropped the test and quickly scrabbled to pick it back up.
"What the fuck is that?" niall asked hi face dropping.
"Umm.. well.. " you couldn't talk you felt a lump appear in your throat.
"Come here" he laughed pulling you closer.

You brought the test and went home.
After 15 minutes of waiting go checked the test and it confirmed you were pregnant.
"Niall..." you cried/screamed.
"What baby?" he asked as he came running.
"I'm... I'm pregnant!" you cried falling to the floor.
"It's alright obviously your young and it might seem like the end of the world but don't worry baby" he comforted you.
"But I'm only 15 and my boyfriend, he dumped me the night we.. you know.. done it! He told me that he never loved me and he was using me for my body!" You cried even harder.
"Where is he the fucking cunt! I'm gonna kill him!" niall shouted.

Harry 18- You were 6 months pregnant, and still hadn't told harry. Your mum and Gemma knew but they all made a pack not to tell harry.

Your boyfriend left when you told him you was pregnant. He said he couldn't handle the pressure of become a father whilst trying to get his music career up and running.

It was a Saturday night and you and Harry were having a night in. For once being lanky actually came in handy for your bump didn't show. Obviously you had a slight bump but you told everyone you were just bloated.

You and Harry started play fighting and him not knowing you were not pregnant he slammed you onto the ground.
You screamed.

"Harry!!!" you screeched hunching over on the ground.
"What ?" Harry asked getting worried.
"Help me quick ambulance now!!" you managed to get out just before you felt your stomach turn.
Harry rushed for an ambulance whilst he held your hand as you screamed out in pain.
"I'm gonna loose it aren't i?" You cried, absolutely distraught from the thought of losing your baby.
"Loose what, baby y/n, speak what?" Harry asked concerned as he still attempted to calm you down.
"The baby harry, I'm 6 months pregnant!" you screeched out.
Harry's face dropped he quickly got up and scrabbled for the phone.
"Hello, I called for an ambulance about 30 minutes ago, we need to get it know she's pregnant and she thinks she is loosing the baby!" he shouted.

"This is all my fault!" he cried as he strokes your back. You rocked back and forth on the floor screaming in pain.
"No, no I shouldn't of started the fi....." you couldn't speak, you screamed as you felt as if someone had stabbed you in the stomach.

You screamed and you screamed for about 10 minutes straight as the pain started traveling up your spine and through your legs.

Just then, the ambulance arrived and carried you onto the stretcher.


You woke up on the hospital bed.
"Y/n!" you heard Gemma say as you opened your eyes.
You looked around and saw gemma, your mum and dad but no Harry.
"Where's harry?" You asked worried.
Smiles grew on all of their faces.
"What?" you asked, not being able to stop yourself from smiling.
"He is with your baby boys!"you mum said.
"Baby's?" to couldn't quite understand.
"The doctors had to give you a c- section, otherwise the baby wouldn't make it!" Gemma explained.
"But I was only 6 months pregnant!" you suddenly realised.
"Turns out you were 8 months, this made it just the right time for the babys to survive!" you were informed.

Instantly you were relieved at the thought that your baby was safe.
"Can I see them?" you asked.
"Of course, they are in an incubator but to can still see them!" Gemma smiled.

They wheeled you into the room where your two baby boys slept and your big brother watched over them.

"Y/n!" Harry gasped as he jumped up.
"I am so sorry, baby I am so sorry!" he begged almost in tears.
"I love you so much and I didn't know you were pregnant!" at this point Harry was in tears.
"It's okay!" you mouthed, you knew that if you spoke you would start crying.

You made your way over to the small tub were your baby's laid.
Small tubes coming out of their bodies. Instantly you fell in love. With jai and jack.

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