I left her in the bed.

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*Mädchen's POW*
It was a night before the big interview and i felt so sick. I was already in pyjama in my hotel room, alone, and everything hurted me. My throat, head and even my nose was full. I was dying and i didnt want to be alone.

*Skeet's POW*
I was about to going to shower but i heard my phone ringing. It was Mädchen

M:,,Hi Skeet, can you come over for a little bit?''
S:,,sure, i will be there in a minute.''
I ended the phone and i immediately went from my bed, grab phone and keys and went to her door and knocked. She opened the door. God! She was so beautiful without makeup, with adorable red cheeks. I was literally speechless.
M:,,Yes i look awful, don't stare at me like that''
S:,,I think you are beautiful.'' Skeet smiled.
M:,,Come in'' she smiled.
Skeet went in and sit on her bed.
S:,,what it is Mädch?
M:,,Honestly, nothing.. Well.. I' ve just got sick and i didnt want to be alone soo i called you.''
S:,,I'm glad you did.'' he said softly.
,,How can i help you? I have in my room a pills, should i bring them here?'' he asked with a caring voice.
M:,,That would be really great thank you'' she smiled.
S:,,okay wait here'' he quickly answered and went to his room.
Mädchen couldn't stop thinking about how caring and loving is he towards her. She felt  her  heartbeat and smiled as a fool.
Skeet came in few minutes.
S:,,Here'' he said and gave her a pills.
,,It's against head hurting i hope t will hell''
M:,,You are literally an angel, thank you.'' she take those pills and used it.
S: So, I've been thinking.. I don't want to leaves you when you are this sick. Can i stay for a night in here?''
M:,,Yes, thank you Skeet.''
S:,,You are so welcome Mädch. I was about to go in shower when you called me. Would it mind if i would go in your bathroom for a little shower?''
M:,, Absolutely not, but be fast i want you here.'' she joked.
Skeet just nods his head, smiled and went to the bathroom. After awhile he went out, in pyjama and saw Mädchen sleeping in the bed.
,,Look how beautiful she is.'' he thought. He smiled and crawled to her bed. After few minutes he fell asleep while looking at her with heart eyes.
Skeet woke up on sound of the alarm. He saw mädchen still sleeping and let her. Went to his room, having key from mädchens room, and dressed for interviews today. When he got ready, he went to Mädchen's room, she was still sleeping. He sit next to her and softly wake up her.
S:,,Mädch? How do you feel?'' he asked softly.
M:,,Still so bad..'' she said sadly.
S:,,You should stay here Mädch, sickness isn't a joke. You need to rest.''
M:,,But i don't want to disappoint my fans...''
S:,,They will understand that. If they really love you, they will be alright with it and they will hope you will ne better, don't worry Mädchen. I promise''
Mädchen smiled.
M:,,Thank you Skeet you are amazing. Literally so amazing.''
S:,,You are more'' he smiled and kissed her forehead. ,,but i should go now, i will see you later.'' he stand up and went to the door.
M:,,Thank you and have fun'' she smiled
Skeet was about to leave but remember something.
S:,,and mädchen?''
M:,,Yes?'' asked immediately.
S:,,Take care and be careful'' skeet said softly.
M:,,I will.'' she smiled big.
He smiled and went on interview. When they were about to say something, he said something what came in his mind immediately.
,,Mädchen Amick isn't here because i left her in the bed.''
But nobody knew what does that means, but he knew... He knew, because he care for her more then he ever cared about someone else, besides his kids.

¬My first skädchen oneshoots! I hope you like it.
Please write me some ideas for another oneshoots, thank you i love you!!! - skadchenfans

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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