~How You Meet~

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It was a late afternoon when you decide to go for a walk. You walked along the houses and markets as you kept your head down not paying attention to your surroundings. As you walked you ran into someone and was knocked over. "oh! i'm so sorry!" you said as you brought yourself up to your feet "no its fine i should be the one who is sorry" a small boy with bright blonde hair said as a small smirk crept over his face. A light blush tinted your cheeks as you looked at him up and down "you should come by my bar sometime it's just up that hill" He pointed off at the hill which had a cute little bar sat on top of it "was that there before?" you thought for a but but snapped back into reality once he started talking again "we have great ale and terrible food" he winked and walked off his hands behind his head. You stood there for a bit processing what he said then shook your head and continued on your walk wondering who that strange child was.


You were sitting in the boarhat with a mug of ale in your hand laughing at a joke that a man across the room said. Across from you sat your bag of coins that you were going too use in order to pay for your multiple drinks and terrible food you "ate" earlier. As you were sipping on your drink a tall hunched over man with blue hair walked up and snatched the bag away from the table "h..hey!" you yelled at him as he began to walk away. he turned his head and glared at you "what?" he questioned as if he didn't just steal your money "y..you t..t..took my m..money" you stood up almost tripping and glared back at him "yeah and what if I did?" he questioned trying to tick you off even more. You growled and tackled him trying to grab your money back. This lasted for a bit as the other workers tried prying you off of him.


The sun was shinning as you walked through the forest looking for some berries for your brother B/N (Brother Name). As you picked some more you spotted a small boy laying on a green pillow, you tilted your head and walked over to him inspecting his face a bit more looking at his soft features and innocent face. You took at step closer and a twig snapped under your foot this causing the small boy to jolt up slightly startled, this also startled you and caused you to fall back "w..who are you?!" he yelled gripping onto the green and soft looking pillow "u..um i..im Y/N (Your Name) p..please don't h..hurt me.." you covered your face fearful of what he might do. "oh..umm i wont hurt you..uh..im king by the way" he held out his hand showing you that he isn't scary. You grabbed his and shook it feeling a bit less scared now. You let go and smiled akwardly "i..i should get going" you said gripping your basket of berries more 'o..oh ok.." he said. On your way home you kept thinking about the boy you saw in the forest "king eh? hmm"


"I'll be back soon B/N" you yelled to your brother as you shut your house door and walked to the nearest book shop. You had heard that a new shipment of books have came in and you decide to check it out hoping that a book you really wanted would be there. As you walked in you noticed a boy with violet hair and fair skin he was looking at the book you wanted so you decided to walk over "umm excuse me" you said "hm?" He turned his head showing his golden eyes and thin grey glasses "Are you planning on buying that book?" You questioned while pointing at the book in his hand "oh..no I was just looking you can have it" his cold voice sent shivers down your spine as he handed the book to you and walked
off. You smiled then bought the book thinking about the strange cold man you met today.

That's all I have I hope you enjoyed. This is the first time I'm doing this so bare with me, also if you would like to suggest any then feel free too I'm open to anything! Have an amazing day

Trash~Desu Out!💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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