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no ones pov

once richie and stan got back to richies house, they quickly ate some pancakes that maggie had made before she left for work in case they decided to have breakfast at home instead

when they finished eating, hey went upstairs and stan sat on richies bed, letting him sob onto his shoulder as they hugged

"shhh, richie" stan whispered into richies ear "its okay if you arent ready to tell him"

richie sits up and wipes his tears "i-im really sor-sorry, stan, i know you really wanted muh-me to tell him, but im juh-just so scared" he says softly

"richie, i already told you that its okay if you arent reddie! stop apologizing, its okay" stan says, giving richie a side hug

"thuh-thanks stan" richie whispers

stan smiles and rubs richies back "well, i gotta get home now. are you gonna be all right?" "yeah, i'll be fine, stan"

with that, stan smiles, standing up and saying goodbye to richie

stans pov

i started to bike back to my house as i quietly hummed a random tune

soon, i was finally home

i stood my bike in the garage and ran inside

my mom was in the kitchen making some sandwiches while my dad stood and talked to her

"hey guys" i said with a smile as i walked into the kitchen

"hey, stan, where have you been?" my dad said to me, sounding a bit annoyed, but not very

"oh, i was just sleeping at a friends house. i was thinking i would tell you this later, but there's something i need to tell you and i think now is a good time" i replied nervously

my mom stopped from making the sandwiches and came over to me "hey, stan, you can tell us anything!" my mother said in a happy voice

my dad walked next to my mom, waiting for me to answer

you got this, stan i thought to myself, just spit it out

i looked up at them with sad eyes "im gay"


sorry for such a short chapter and sorry for not updating in like eleven days lmao this sucks

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