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Happy NANOWRIMO! Welcome to Thirteen's Thirteenth.

(Update: I successfully accomplished NaNoWriMo! Now I'll be revising my 50,000 words of junk and uploading a readable first draft.)

This is my project for the 2019 National Novel Writing Month, in which storytellers across the globe commit to writing 50,000 throughout the month of November. Will I accomplish such a daunting task? As November is also college application season, chances seem slim, but nonetheless, I am going to give it my best shot. That's why I'm posting my work here, to hold myself accountable.

So welcome to the very first draft of Thirteen's Thirteenth. Thank you for being here, I really appreciate it. Please note, the following chapters are very much a brain dump of ideas. I am not checking to plot holes, sentence structure, or grammar. NANOWRIMO is about committing words to the page, not arriving to December 1st with a publishable draft.

Where we are going to end up on November 30th, I have no idea. But over the next 30 days, we will follow the adventures of Evangeline Tretten and the evolution of the dystopian society in which her story takes place. Within the span of a few thousand words, she transforms from a nonexistent (literally!) civilian to the cities most wanted terrorists just because of a tattoo on her wrist.

What happens then? Keep reading to find out! The story's that way -->

Thirteen's Thirteenth (NANOWRIMO 2019)Where stories live. Discover now