Chapter 8

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Y/n tried to call I.N over and over but he didn't pick up. Then she tried to text him but it said that "This person has blocked you". She then started to cry because she thinks that she did something wrong because 1 second he was talking to her and then the next stop and told her to stay away.

A/n:Boy do I now that feeling.

She got a call from Felix. " Hey sorry to bother you but want did you do to I.N?"

"ME I didn't do anything his the one that decided to stop talking to me out of the blue."

"Stop lying he said that you said bad things to him and that he never want to be near you ever again. Also he never lies to us and you know that."

"WELL HE IS!" Y/N yell at him.

"You know what none of us like what you did so from now on we aren't friends and that goes for every one else because they here with me goodbye."

"BYE ASSHOLES." Y/n yelled and hung up. She started to cry and she was thinking of one thing but she promised that she wouldn't but she had to she did what she always done before she cut her self on her arms and lots of blood came out and her brother was outside the door trying to open the door so he busted the door down and y/n was already on the floor passed out.

A few hours later.

"Where am I?" Y/n said.

"Your at the hospital. Stay in bed. You're lucky that you lived. What were you thinking huh?! I was worried about you! I don't want to lose you too okay?" Bambam said with tears on his eyes.

Y/n then also started to cry, "I'm sorry I was just really upset and I just had that thought I'm sorry please come here I need a hug." Bambam went to her and both hugged each other real hard until Luna came in.

"Y/n your up I'm so happy. What happened did it had to do with I.N? Am I right?"

"Yeah." Y/n said nervously. "Bambam it's not want you think and don't get involved ok?"

"But if his the reason then-" Bambam said.

"I said don't ok?" Y/n said she looked what Luna brought and it was food. "Pass me that I'm hungry." They eat and everything and the doctor said that she has to be in bed for at least two days before she goes back to school.

Next day

"Oh I didn't asked yesterday how did you found out?" Y/n said.

"Well I was gonna visit them but Felix told me the story and he said me I had to pick u or them and of course I pick you because it doesn't make sense at all. So explain please?" Luna said.

" I really don't know to be honest. He just stop talking to me and then said I did something to him and that's the real reason he stop so yeah. Oh look at the time you have to go to school bye and also pick my work so I don't fall behind." Y/n said.

"Fine bye girl." Luna said.

Class time  (in this class everyone is in here stray kids, Luna, Key and Y/n)

"Listen up class we have a project to do and I'll say who you got............. And finally Luna, y/n, Key and I.N and no there is no "Can I switch teacher?" So don't ask also I heard that y/n is was in the hospital tell her that I hope she gets better."

"Yes of course I'll tell her." Luna said. Key went up to her and asked what happened."let's go outside where we have privacy." She said looking behind the table behind her aka stray kids. She told him the story but didn't say names.

"Who was it tho?" Key said.

"That's for her to tell not me." Luna said. They went to class and the teacher said they will have a field trip and its on the day Y/n comes back. They finish the day and Luna told her about the field trip and the project and the people.

Field trip day.

"Ok class we are gonna be in groups of 4 so the people you got for the project are gonna be your group so go and find them." Teacher said.

Y/n quickly went up to Luna and grabbed her arm and said."Your sitting with me."she said with a smile until her eyes saw I.N and her smile went away.

"Hey don't worry about him just stay close to me and forget about him. Come on." Luna said.

It was lunch time and and they went in a room and y/n sat on a table and Luna in front because it was a table  for two people only. They had to sit next to people in their groups so Key sat next to Luna to the other table which meant that I.N had to sit next to Y/n and there was only like two feet away so that's still close to each other. Y/n just had her head down the entire time and she decided to roll up her sleeve just a bit to see that cuts and she forgot that I.N was sitting next to her so then she poked the cuts with her nails and they were Sharp so it cut open one of her cuts and it started to bleed. She wasn't bother by it but I.N decided to look over and saw the cuts. His face was like a stone didn't know what to do and Y/n looked over and saw that he was looking and she quickly covered it up and stood up.

"Sorry I have to use the bathroom I was holding it for to long now." She said and left.

"You good bro." Key asked.

"Yeah I'm good." I.N said and Luna was looking at him in disappointing and he knew why.

"Shit did he saw it? I mean even if he did he wouldn't care right? Whatever I'll just clean this up and go." As she was leaving Felix was leaving the boys bathroom with Changbin. The two people she really didn't want to see. And they looked at her and Felix said something to her, he said....

To be continued.


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