inosuke eats zenitsu's food

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inosuke stealing food: a common occurrence
but this time zenitsu has a plan: poison his food so inosuke dies. so he does, and he waits for inosuke.
inosuke approaches his food, looks at it and takes  bite
"hahaHA I GOT YOU!" zenitsu shouts
"what is it now bitch?" inosuke asks
"i poisoned the food you dumh boar! now die!"
inosuke looks over at zenitsu confused,
"you do know i'm immune to poison right? didn't the purple butterfly whore tell you?"
zenitsu sighs and goes to tanjirou's room to talk to nezuko. tanjirou looks at inosuke in confusion for a bit then continues eating his food

nothing was accomplished today.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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