Valka's fangirlism.

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Toothless' POV

I waited until Hiccup fell asleep before going outside. Turning human again I ran toward Valka's home. Knocking on it with excitement. "Oh! Hello Toothless! Come in, come in! Tell me about today!" Valka said ushering me inside. "You might wanna sit." I said and sat in a chair at the table. Valka sat across from me. "So how'd it go? what happened!" she shouted. "Okay, so I ran into Hiccup and he was really impressed by Desha, so we went riding together on Desha's saddle. Well we found a neighboring tribe of dragon riders, they wanted to show us their home. We started walking down the tunnel and Desha turned to look at us and frowned, she then proceeded to push Hiccup and I closer together. Hiccup got on to her and then she put him... in... my lap and broke the second seat off the saddle. One of the girls, Death was her name, told Hiccup if he kissed me on the cheek, he could have a dragon called a rainsoul. He said he really needed that dragon, then she said if he kissed me on the lips he could have two rainsoul dragons, so he went to kiss me on the cheek and I turned my head last second and... yeah. Well then we both got the dragons and went home, his dragon was supposed to be a gift for Astrid but it wouldn't leave Hiccup, so I turned into a dragon and gave him mine with a note saying to give it to Astrid... but he kept him... And now I'm here." I said smiling. "GA- YO- OH MY GODS! THAT'S A WONDERFUL DAY! I'M SO HAPPY [♡Glad I went through this, Happy originally said hard. X3♥] FOR YOU TOOTHLESS! Okay, I have to tell you something that is going to hurt Hiccup but maaay benefit you... it's truly tragic though." Valka said. "What?" I asked. "Astrid... Astrid is dying. She hasn't told Hiccup... You need to be there for him. Okay?" Valka asked and put a hand on my shoulder. "Okay." I whispered. I got up and waved goodbye to Valka. "Now to surprise him..." I thought to myself. I went into his house and left fou- okay I ate one... so three fish and a note. 'Hope Your dragons like these Hiccup, P.S. Toothless let me in, best dragon ever.' I smiled at the note and turned into a dragon, carefully making my way upstairs and laying down next to the little rainsoul. I woke up to Hiccup patting my head. "Hey bud, I'm heading out, I'll see you later." He said and I smiled. Plan in action. "Hey Toothless!" I heard Hiccup call. "You and Valco jr. come here, Valco jr. is the baby dragon by the way." He shouted. I looked down at the little dragon. Aw! he named the baby after me... I poked Valco jr. and got up. "We're gonna go get some lunch little buddy." I growled. "Yay!" he screeched and flew down the stairs. I laughed and went down with them. "So you let a guy into the house Toothless?" he asked holding up the note. I nodded. "Well good, Valco is always welcome here, even at two a.m. There's something familiar about him for some reason.... Oh! he brought you guys fish." Hiccup said and brought me one of the trout. He gave the other two to River And Valco jr. who, I think I'll call jr. for short. "I think I'll tell him thank you when I go out today..." Hiccup said, I nodded in response. "Well I'll see you guys later, bye!" Hiccup said as he opened the door. When he was gone I flew out of the window and to my house, quickly morphing into a human, I realized my armor was dirty, so I took it off and put on some pants I found in a droor and looked for a shirt, surely Hiccup wouldn't come over here first thing. Nope I was wrong. Hiccup opened the door. "Hey Valco I-" he stopped and blushed. "Sorry Valco! I should've knocked!" Hiccup shouted. I slipped the shirt on and smiled. "Oh, it's no problem Hiccup! What's up?" I asked. "I, uh, I came to say thanks for the fish, uh, hey do you wanna hang out today?" Hiccup asked with the blush still barely evident. "Yeah sure! What do you wanna do?" I asked. "I could use some help on the map I'm making!" he said holding out the booklet. "Cool! Let's go!" I said, and boarded Desha. "oh yeah, thanks for the baby rainsoul by the way. He's sweet, but uh, Toothless ate half the note so I only saw the part that said you were giving him to me..." I of course knew he was lieing, I would never eat paper. "Oh, well he was for Astrid but if you're attached to him then you can keep him."I said smiling. "Oh thank you!" He said excitedly. I nodded and jumped on Desha's back. "Hey, do you mind if we pick up my mom? I told her that she could come with me on my next ride." Hiccup asked. "Oh of course not. Come on let's go!" I said happily, and flew into the air. Hiccup followed suit on River. "So where is her house?" I asked, knowing full and well where her home was. "Right down there." he replied and pointed to her home. I landed next to it and waited for Hiccup to go get her. She came crashing through the door with Cloudjumper almost immediately. She glanced at me smirking. "Hi mom! So we're going flying! And I told you that you could come, so..." hiccup said smiling. She nodded and patted Cloud jumper. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Well Hiccup wanted to go to the island but I've got a better idea... If hicup agrees that is." I said scratching my head. "Oh. Okay! lead the way!" Hiccup said smiling. I hopped onto the back of Desha. I flew a little east of the island toward a white sand beach, drenched in sunlight. This is it. "Wow. This is beautiful." Hiccup said, sitting on the sand. "I'm going exploring!" Valka said, giving me a hidden wink. I sat down next to hiccup and watched the waves delicately run up and down the sand, as they glistened in the sunlight. "How'd you find this place? It's not far from home, yet, I've never even seen it before." Hiccup said, watching as a small crab made it's way through the sand. "That's a secret of mine, you could call it instinct." I said, smirking a bit. I was hatched here... in the moonlight. I opened my eyes and saw only the sand and moon, my mother... she was no where to be found. My father... he was dead a few miles off. So I raised myself here. And joined the nest when I was old enough to fly... no one could find this island but me. Why? I do not know. "Well okay then, but I'm writing it on the map later." He said, picking up a shell from the sand. "Can I ask you something Valco?" Hiccup said, tossing the shell into the air and catching it. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you ever think... maybe you didn't find the right person..." he asked, staring out at the water. I looked at him and stayed silent... did he mean Astrid?... he turned to me and blinked. "I haven't 'found' anyone yet." I replied. "Oh... sorry... when you do, what do you hope she's like?" He asked, tossing the shell into the water. "... he." I said, staring at my feet. "Hm?" I blinked as hiccup stared in confusion. "He... not she." I mumbled, pushing a rock with my finger and not looking up. "O-Oh. Okay, then what do you hope he's like?" Hiccup asked. "Kind... clever. Forgiving, cute, strong..." I started listing, looking up into the clear blue sky. "Sounds nice..." hiccup said falling into the sand. I fell next to him and looked into the sky, until we both fell asleep...


Cute? Worth two years? Didn't think so! But I'm sorry I lost stuff just... check my dash!

The secrets of a nightfury (human!Toothless x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now