1 | The Escape

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 Stay Close to Auntie. No matter what. Stay. Close. To. Auntie.

That was the only thing running through the little 4-year-old girl head. Her aunties friends were scary. They were okay before they smiled at her. There was something there that set off all the alarms in her head.

Was it that one corner was higher than the other?

Was it the unknown look in their eyes?

Was it their body language? The way that their hands started to twitch when they saw her?

The little girl didn't know...but than her auntie began to let go of her hand and walk away, apparently going to leave her with these scary men. "Auntie..?" the little girl called after the retreating back of her aunt. Her aunt looked back at her niece with eyes dull, but then it was like something inside of her snapped. Her auntie's eyes were suddenly filled with realization then regret then fear. The woman then looked at the men in black then back at the trembling girl then back again at the men.

"I-I. I'm calling off the deal. I can't- you can't do this!" whatever this 'deal' was, the woman couldn't bear to make it through, it was also obvious that this deal had something to do with the little 4-year-old girl in the middle of them. The men in suits didn't have the same thoughts. They smirked.

"But, we can." that made the feelings finally come back to the little girl's legs as she ran towards her auntie who - almost possessively - picked her up and held her tight against her chest.

"No! I won't let you!" the men's smirked turned into an angry expression. "I thought we had a deal?" the apparent 'leader' asked the little girl's aunt. The man next to him said something under his breath but the silence of room made sure to let everyone hear it "What happened to the spell...?" the woman's eyes widened again. She turned on her heel and started to run out of the room and out of the abandoned building that the men had to lead them to.

The tens atmosphere snapped. The men started running after them. The woman started to run as fast as she could bring herself to do while trying not to hurt the little girl in her arms. She ran outside, she then took a turn and ran into the forest where she knew they had a better chance at hiding in there.

The forest has thick, dark and wild, thorns and bushes were everywhere. The dark trees stretched out for them almost as if they were trying to stop them from hiding. And take the little girl from the woman's arms, making her tighten her grip. Their jackets and dress in the woman's case, got caught in the thorns and some of the branches managed to get her but she just manages to break free from the tree's tight grip.

The sound of feet running, panting, the rustling of trees, bushes and ripping of fabric filled the quiet night. Sleeping animal woke and began making their presence known, almost as trying to scare the sound away. The fear was obvious in the pair of females that was running through the woods. The men behind them were catching up.

The little girl's head popped up from where she had been hiding in her aunt's shoulder. All that she could see was dark trees, bushes and thorns. She caught sight of three shadows running towards them.

What is going on?

Those four words were the only thing she was able to think about.

Her aunt was slowing down, the little girl went back into hiding her face in her auntie's shoulder, the woman briefly looked at the terrified girl in her arms and - if even possible - tightened her grip on the tiny girl.

She was slowly losing her strength and she was panting heavily. She could hear the men's running feet and wondered for a moment how they managed to run for so long without losing their speed or strength. But that thought didn't last long as she heard her niece's small but still hearable sob, the little girl was terrified!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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