Belle comes home!

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A/N: sorry for the late update😅. I'm very busy with my studies.  Exams!!!  Ugh!!! 😫😫Anyways enjoy the story.  😊😊

These two weeks have been... well,  awkward. Let's start with the whole telling parents thing. 

Well, I had decided that we didn't have to tell our parents at all, but when you're talking to Charlie 'goody-two-shoes' Callaghan, you cannot do something like that. I mean what's the point, when all of this is going to be over in a year? Anyways, we went to Mrs. Callaghan first.

 Let me give you a brief introduction of Mrs. Doreen Callaghan. 

Doreen and dad had been best friends since high school. Then she got married to Mr. 'I-don't-even-remember-that-arsehole's-name' Callaghan. They moved to somewhere, I think Seattle.  Then he ran away with some other woman and Charlie came back here with his mum. We were only four. Charlie used to be very sad all the time back then. We grew up together and... that's it. That's how we became best friends. 

One thing that I came to learn about Doreen through these years is that she's a very emotionally expressive person.

But when finally Charlie told her that he was gay and wanted to get married to me, she didn't say much. She'd just asked me if she could talk to him in private for something and I had responded with an 'of course'. We had dinner quietly and that was the end of it. I mean, she didn't even look surprised. Why the hell is everyone behaving like this?? 

Coming to my parents now. They were fucking hilarious, at least that's what Charlie thought . I think their reactions were rather alarming. 

My parents had blinked at me a number of times after which my mum had started grumbling under her breath and my dad had promptly burst into laughter. Then finally when he had recovered from his insane laughing episode, he'd asked my mum for ten dollars. My mum had replied that they had bet five dollars on me being gay, when my dad had reminded her about when they had bet on me having some sort of secret relationship with Charlie. Then mum had given him ten dollars. They had laughed throughout dinner. Tell me, how would you feel if your parents thought you're gay, when you're.....when you're not?

Then there's my lawyer. He was rather surprised. 

I was really happy.

 He had asked why I hadn't told him earlier and my dear best - no, no, husband (I really want to laugh every time I say this, it's weird) said that we were scared that being a gay couple could create complications. My lawyer had laughed. Anyways we got Belle! 

Charlie should become a writer. The way he made up our entire love story is rather impressive.  I said that I  always knew I didn't like girls. That's the reason I kept talking about girls, so that others never doubted me. Unfortunately people think that I'm gay in reality, even though that makes no sense. Charlie's story.... was... it was.... mind blowing, fantastic!! He said that he used to sit on the reserve bench in our football team instead of playing  at college so that he could watch me play. And then he had said that a girl had come onto him at a party and that's how he'd realized that he was surely gay. Way to go Charlie! (slow claps) . Then he said that four years back we kind of snogged in a club and the next morning we got together after a lot of awkwardness. My lawyer was fascinated by the story and said that it was like a perfect cheesy love story. Even though I came up with this plan, I'm sure that Charlie was supporting it more than I was. 

Back to awkward reactions. 

Right now Belle is in her room, probably sleeping, but when I was driving her home today from that hellhole she calls her aunt's house, she started asking the questions that are now making me ask some questions to myself right now. 

"Dad, I mean, this plan was awesome, but I still can't believe Charlie agreed to this plan this easily. It's great, but it's bullshit!", she'd asked me. "I might've pleaded with him but not forced, definitely not forced.", I'd replied. "I knew it! You forced him! Why would you do that?", she'd asked looking really angry. I had spent the rest of the time trying to prove my point. Then we'd got home and Charlie had calmed her down. I really don't know what I would do without him. I love him. I mean in a platonic way of course. 

When Charlie went to make dinner, Belle and I had another conversation that is bothering me very much now. 

"I'm okay if Charlie's okay with everything, but dad have you actually thought how this is going to affect your relationship?", Belle had asked, a look of concern on her face. "I seriously don't know what you mean.", I had said, looking confused. Belle had huffed. "See, you and Charlie are best friends. Right? Now, let's say you're straight b-", I had cut her off, "What do you mean 'let's say'? I AM straight!". "Okay!! You're straight, but is Charlie? I know he hasn't told you anything,  but you haven't asked him, have you?", she'd asked, raising her eyebrows. I'd mumbled a small 'no'. "See! And as for you being straight, - no, dad! Let me finish! - Have you ever thought about this whole thing even once? No. And I have seen the way you two behave around each other. You might want to think about it... Anyways, let's go get dinner.", and with that she'd left me in the biggest dilemma in the world. 

This whole 'the way you two behave around each other' thing, I mean why is everyone saying this?? Now that I think about it, I haven't found the right girl for myself, have I? And as for Charlie, I do find him good looking, he's got nice abs. Wait... Nononononono!!! I AM straight, right?? 

I'm not going to think about this. I'm getting married - fake married - day after tomorrow and I have to keep my head clean for this plan to work. Yeah, I'll not think about this. 

A/N: Plz vote and comment!! 😊

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