Chapter 7 - The call -

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..."Y-Yes, I do".

Your POV

Why was he asking this? What was he planning to do? You questioned yourself. But Chucky just made a gesture to give him your phone. "C'mon what are you waiting for kid, gimme that stupid phone...if you cannot lie I will do it for you." You handed him your phone without any hesitany, not wanting to piss him off any further. "Bitch! -how am I supposed to call him, that thing is stupid are you?!" he raged. "Sorry, I forgot...the code is 013901". You stammered, trying to calm yourself down. Chucky just muttered some undefined curses but never the less dialed the number of your boss after unlocking your phone. Just then you actually thought about what you had done. You gave him your code and now he could stalk your entire phone...shit. But if you would change your code now, he would definitely get even more angry and wouldn't want that for sure.

"Heavens, Miss (Y/L/N), it is 3 am, why the hell are you calling me at this time?!" the angry voice of your boss ripped you from your embarassed thoughts. With wide eyes you stared at the murderdoll, fearing the worst.

Chuckys POV

His evil grin spread wider and wider as he saw the look of pure panic in the girls face. "Ahh sadism is really kicking in this girl is just too funny." He thought, and her expression got even funnier for him as he replyed to the angry complaints of her boss. "Wow, he's a real piece of shit". Charles thought.

"Excuse me Mr. Evans, my name is Dr. Le' Roy. Unfortunately Ms. (Y/L/N) is currently not in the state to call you by herself. To my misfortune I have to tell you that she had a very bad accident. She got robbed tonight while she was asleep. The culprit thought she was not at home until he found her in the bedroom. He stabbed her three times in the chest and stomach area. Luckily he missed her heart and most of her vital organs. But her right lung got damaged and so does her vena subclavia. I also fear we cannot rescue her left kidney at all. We put her at a coma until she is stable. Sir, be aware that it can take up to months to get her even back to walking if ever again." The look in her face was priceless! The confusion, the disbelieve, the- the very light, nearly unnoticable, rosy blush on her cheeks...

"Oh, ugh well that is very sad to hear. Please update me if her state changes Dr., we really need her here." her boss said, still very drowsy and taken aback. "Of course we will Sir, sorry I had to disturb you, sleep well". Without waiting for another reply, chucky ended the call and handed you your phone back. "That is the way you have to lie kid!" He explained, clearly pleased with his deed and enjoyed your reaction. Trying to ignore the other feeling which grew inside him whenever he looked at you.

Your POV

"I ugh, wow, you sounded so professional, how could you even think of all this in such a short time? That's amazing!" You exclaimed like a little girl that saw a magic trick for the first time. "You sounded like a completely different person". "Well, I am a true master of my field in tricking people,...hehehe and killing people of course hahahaha." he laughed. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but you eventually started to join the laughter until you both already were at the verge of tears due to your nearly hysterical laughing fit. "So Chuck, I will go to bed now, there are blankets just next to the couch." you yawned as you had calmed down. You started to turn towards your bedroom, wanting nothing more but fall in your soft bed and sleep as Chucky grabbed your shirt.

"I ain't gonna sleep on this fucking couch..neither will I let you out of my sight, who knows what you would do while I am asleep in a different room. We will both sleep in your bed, it is too big for you anyway!" He declaired with a wide, dark grin...

Authors note

Hey guys, I am so glad that already 70 people read this story and even voted for it! Thank you so much. I hope you like this chapter. If you have any ideas for this story, just leave a comment. :)

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