Chapter 2 A Normal Day At Alton College

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It was just a normal day at Alton College.

Lucas was walking with his friends Tom and Gwen through the halls.

Lucas is a boy with red hair and green eyes and is 15 years old and is very friendly and protective to his friends and he loves to read and is also very smart and also loves listening to music but also loves the game five nights at freddy's and has 1 one sister who's 18 years old.

Tom is a blond and a bit of brown haired boy with blue eyes and is 17 years old and is very shy around others but with his friends he is very lively, sometimes too lively and loves to hang out with his friends and play video games like call of duty and all that kind of games with them and his favorite sport is judo.

Gwen is the only girl in the couple and has blond hair and brown eyes and is 16 years old and although she is the most pretty and popular girl at the school she always hangs out with the boys and loves to walk in the nature and all that stuff but also loves to play call of duty and has an younger brother that's 10 years old.

Together they walked to biology class given by mister kneckro.

Once they were in class they sat at there tables and started to listening to mister kneckro.

Hello students mister kneckro said in a excited voice. I have something to tell you all.

Students began to talk to each other.

Students let me talk, okay? Mister kneckro asked.

Okay so tomorrow we are going to...... Mister kneckro said.

To what? Tom asked excited.

Tomorrow we are going to Alton towers!!!! Mister kneckro said.

What!! No way. Lucas said.

All the students were talking to each other excited about Alton towers.

Okay everybody calm down. Now you know about that open up your book at page 34 mister kneckro said.

Everybody opened up there book at page 34 and started to read.

After 45 minutes the bell started to ring.

Have a nice pauze mister kneckro said.

Can you believe we are going to Alton towers? Tom asked. I have heard it's the most expensive theme park that a school ever could pay. Tom said.

Everybody in the cafeteria was talking about Alton towers.

What do you want? Miss Benson asked.

What do you have? The trio asked.

We have tacos, sandwiches with milk  vegetables and meat and we have the trashcan. Miss Benson said.

I want a taco. Tom said

I want vegetables. Gwen said.

I want sandwiches and milk please. Lucas said.

After they got their food they looked around for a table and spotted one with a lonely boy.

They walked over to the table and asked the boy if they could sit with him. Yeah sure. The boy said.

You are the new kid right? Gwen asked.

Yes, I don't have much friends. The boy said.

What's your name? Lucas asked.

My name is.

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