reddie natures boy

18 2 4

Future me speaking I'm going to see if I can get the plot back or since its only one chappie I can revamp it k

Eddie was walking down the street humming a merry tune as he does so looking around at all the houses that seem to creak with thier own music, the birds singing happily and the people bustling, you see today eddie was going to the forest to cloud gaze.

He has been very bored lately having to deal with his mom all day he was exhausted.

When he got to the edge of the forest he stopped gazing around watching as the leaves flutter to and fro, never stopping as the wind blows through them touching everything with a childish wonder.

eddie hummed pleased at the prospect of going into a forest for the first time, not noticing the burning brown eyes watching him he went off into the woods.

the spindly limbs brush against his sides trying to tickle him but only leaving cuts as he runs through the canopy of beautiful flowers laughing slightly "duck you mom" eddie yelled to the sky falling backwards into a pile of leaves watching as they fly into the sky upon impact watching the clouds eddie smiled his beautiful happy that for once his mother wasn't there.

"He hey who are yo you" a boy asked with beautiful brown curly hair wearing green shorts and a shirt with the words natured to be good his burning brown eyes reminded eddie of the earth soft but compact.

"cute" eddie whispered in awe at the boys beauty, "what did you say I couldn't quite hear ya" the boy said with a smile and a thoughtful look on his face his eyes alert for any wrong movement.

"O oh yeah I'm sorry my name is eddie eddie kaspbrak" eddie hurriedly said frantically waving his hands in front of his face.

Eds huh aint chu a cute rosebud well my name is richie" the boy laughs hand up in a form of a handshake "what are you doing here rose"

This is a preview of this story now mark my word I will NOT continue this if I don't get comments I'm gonna be a little more firm with that cus I like feedback

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