12AM; 1

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To tell you that Jeon Jeongguk was an innocent kid would probably have been the understatement of the century.

Not only was he utterly and truly oblivious to pretty much everything that his classmates talked about- from blowjobs to golden showers to buttplugs and straight up BDSM, he was extremely unaware of how attractive he was; to say the least, jeongguk was an angel trapped inside a corrupted prison of a school.

With an even more corrupted best friend.

Kim Taehyung.

If he had a choice, Taehyung would have dropped out of school and chosen to be a pornstar long ago. Despite it sort of being on the illegal side of things and completely dismissing the fact that he was still a minor, Taehyung gave off the aura of a fucking sex god.

In fact, he was a fucking sex god.

And unlike Jeongguk, he was familiar with the whole idea of porn and it's benefits and not so appealing aspects.

Lets just say that Taehyung only saw the holy side of things.

Porn included.

Of course, he knew how innocent his friend was- he'd always tease him about it but much to his dismay, Jeongguk seemed to be pretty unfazed by it. He'd often tell him that there was no need to taint his polished, cleansed soul.

Taehyung called him a 'Church Twink.' and Jeongguk had no idea what a 'twink' was but he didn't have to google it to find out that it was something promiscuous and supposedly dirty.

Everything that left Taehyung's mouth seemed to be dirty. 

Up until about the age of twelve, Taehyung had been as civil and as mature as Jeongguk had. He'd come around to his house, they'd paint for a while, sing some songs, watch a movie on the couch, do the dishes together (nothing that seemed out of the ordinary at the time.) and then after a while Taehyung just... stopped. 

He got a phone. He made new friends. He went to parties. He got wasted. 

He did bad, bad things.

And Jeongguk remained... innocent.

He had told himself to stay away. To keep his distance from Taehyung; but no matter how hard he had tried, Taehyung always found his way back- he always managed to weasel his way into Jeongguk's head with a few little words that had his knees weakening. 

He tried to avoid him.

He really did.

But he couldn't help it... because Kim Taehyung was freaking hot.

It didn't take much persuasion from Taehyung's end to convince his best friend that he was missing out on basically the best thing that had happened to the internet (besides minecraft apparently.)

So here they were, twelve am on a Friday night, sitting thigh-to-thigh on Jeongguk's queen sized bed in his tiny little bedroom, home-alone together with a computer before them, pornhub loaded, fired up and raring to go.

The younger boy felt slightly sick.

"Ggukie... it's for the best. It'll be great, I promise." Taehyung tilted his head to capture Jeongguk's absent gaze, reassurance painted across his ethereal features. It would have been a while lot easier to say no to him if he didn't have a face like that.

If he didn't look like an actual piece of meat.

Wait... that came out wrong.

"D-do we have to do this?" The smaller stuttered, pulling his sleeves over his hands nervously.

He could have been anywhere right now, really. Anywhere but here.

"I mean... it's your choice in the end but if you ever want to man up then..." Taehyung trailed off, raising his eyebrows and motioning his chin towards the laptop that sat dangerously close to them both.

Jeongguk shifted slightly, heat gathering in his already flushed cheeks. Was he really going to do this? Was he really going to lose his Porn Virginity (at least that's what he liked to call it.)

Alright, it wasn't the first time that Jeongguk had seen a woman naked, there were multiple pop ads that exploded on his screen everytime he tried to go on a dodgy movie or shopping site.

It would take about an average of a millisecond for Jeongguk to realize what was happening and for him to scramble for the mouse and shut down the whole computer and not go on it for another two days.


He was that scared.

"O-okay." He gulped. What was he doing?!

Taehyung smirked and hit the younger across the head, who pouted and rubbed the sore spot with furrowed brows, before bringing the lap top closer towards them.

"Ow!" He mumbled.

Taehyung laughed.

"Sorry Gguk, it's just that I've been waiting for you to say that for like- forever." The older smirked, drumming his fingers against the keys.

Jeongguk was having very serious second thoughts on this now.

"Hyung- I'm not so sure now-"

"It'll be fine, Ggukie," Taehyung sighed, hovering the cursor over the play button.

This was it then.

This was the day that Jeongguk lost his purity, his righteousness his unscathed heart, his honesty, his dignity, his-

Taehyung clicked play.


okay so maybe this is gonna be a short story instead of a one shot but yeah the sole purpse of this is smut so no like? no read.

Also this first chapter is HIGHKEY crack by oh well.

12AM ;; TAEGGUKWhere stories live. Discover now