12AM; 2

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Jeongguk screamed a little too early.

His pale body shook with fright as he dove under the puffy duvet.

It had only been a mere moment into the video- there were two women on the screen, dressed in rather promiscuous outfits- a busty looking blonde with her tits nearly popping out of her too-tight, white t-shirt. And a smaller, more timid, petite girl with dark, dark hair, spilling past her waist, skirt a little too short to be socially acceptable. They were in a classroom and that was all the information that Jeongguk had thankfully gathered in the first few seconds that it had been played. He had decided that that was more than enough. Taehyung had immediately paused it only to freeze the two ladies looking at each other with intense interest; the tension between them made the younger want to cower.

"Ggukie. Its only been two seconds." Taehyung deadpanned, groaning in frustration as he watched his best friend pull the covers tighter over his head.

Jeongguk peered out from underneath them with caution, looking up at Taehyung with his innocent doe eyes. "Exactly, don't press it, hyung." He whispered, having extreme second thoughts about this whole ordeal.

"But it hasn't even started yet."

"Why are we watching this?" He asked quietly from under the sheets. Surely if he wanted an easy going introduction to this new world- they should have started with something a little more... softcore?

And not lesbian dominatrix.

"You'll like it. I know you will." Taehyung reassured gently, biting his cheek to prevent himself from smiling. Was he evil? Yes, very, very evil indeed.

"What if I don't-"

"Then we'll watch something else. How does that sound?" The older of the two chuckled. Really , Jeongguk was making it far more complicated than it had to be. He always seemed to do that for some reason. Taehyung didn't mind though.


The video was un-paused and Jeongguk appeared from under the covers like a little meerkat, cautious.

The two women didn't do much for the first five minutes. They had a normal, simple conversation about algebra. Jeongguk was actually pretty interested for a moment, despite their lack of acting skills- he'd always heard that porn star acting was a little on the amateur side. But he wasn't complaining because their little role play gave himself even more time to prepare. He shifted uncomfortably in the bed, cocooning himself in the duvet like a caterpillar. If he was going to watch this, he may as well be comfortable.

"Miss Bridgette... I'm really sorry, but I don't know how to do this question." The petite girl said, batting her eyelashes at the busty blonde as she leaned over her teacher's desk, her jet black skirt rode up her tan thighs. Jeongguk gritted his teeth trying not to close his eyes as the camera zoomed in on the girl's legs.

The busty blonde, or 'Miss Bridgette' peered over the edge of her glasses in dismay, her blonde hair slick back in a tight bun. "Sophie, I've already told you, school's over, go home." She let out with a faux sigh and went back to her paperwork, pretending not to be interested in the girl before her.

"But Missss, I really can't do this question. Please- help me. Just this once." Sophie pleaded, leaning further over the older woman's desk, her thin frame casting dark shadow over her.

Miss Bridgette looked up with grave annoyance, placing her thin wired glasses on her head and rising ever so slowly from her seat. Sophie, on the other hand leaned back under her penetrative gaze.

Oh dear, Jeongguk thought. It was beginning.

The older woman walked around the desk and stopped a meter away from the younger girl. "Why should I help you?" She sneered.

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