Chapter 1

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"Mommy are we there yet?" My adorable three-year-old daughter asks from her booster seat. The impatience of children wanting to get to wherever the adults are driving is so cute but sometimes a little aggravating considering this is probably the tenth time my blonde hair beauty has asked that in thirty minutes.

Glancing into the rearview mirror I reply. "We're close sweetie just a few more minutes and we should be there." As if on cue, the town comes into view making Anna bounce in her seat in excitement, her blue eyes twinkle as she stares out the window taking in the sight of the new scenery. I shake my head smiling at her reaction to the town that will be our new home. This is the first time I'm seeing the place myself so my hazel eyes soak up as much of the passing buildings as they can, making a mental map of where everything is. It may seem weird that I'm moving into an area that I have never seen before but my parents heartlessly kicked me out of the house as soon as I graduated high school which happened to only be less than a month ago. I am only eighteen and already have a three-year-old daughter, teenagers tend to make stupid decisions and the first time I got drunk was the night of a very stupid decision for me.

Listening to the GPS on my phone I'm easily able to navigate my way through the town, it's not a small town but not exactly big either, it's large enough to have several different kinds of stores and restaurants but not big enough to have a mall, unless you count strip malls as a real mall which most don't. After about ten minutes of driving we finally reach the small two-bedroom house my parents bought for me, well they sort of bought it, they paid the down payment and paid a few months of the mortgage in advance. Usually, that is something that shows how thoughtful parents are and just how they cherish their child but when it comes to my parents it is the opposite. To them they quit having a daughter the day they found out I was pregnant when I was only fourteen, they are deeply ashamed of me, through my whole pregnancy they kept me stuck in the house so nobody would find out, and then when Anna was born they did everything in their power to keep her existence a secret. The only reason I wasn't thrown out of the house before I graduated was that if I didn't have a diploma there would be no way to get any sort of decent job to keep myself and Anna afloat if I couldn't provide for ourselves my parents were afraid I would beg them for money or possibly go as far as blackmailing them. Being very influential people in politics they didn't want their name 'tarnished by a teenage unwed mother' as it was so eloquently put. When it comes to politicians any little mistake can be the end of them and my family gladly threw me away to not risk losing the next election.

Pulling into the driveway Anna starts squealing in the excitement of finally reaching our destination after the long drive, we moved from California to upstate New York, my parents were kind enough to send me across the country in hopes of never seeing me again. Getting out of the car I quickly open the door to the backseat and unbuckle my little angel from her booster seat, she's so excited to get out of the car she practically threw herself into my arms. Kissing her on the head I then gently place her on the ground, running as fast as her little legs will go she goes to the swing set the movers already put together before our arrival, my lips turn down as the swing's rusty state makes me worry for Anna's safety. One good thing about my parents was they hired movers and had the house fully furnished plus gave me some spare cash until I was able to start the two jobs I already managed to get, it was odd the places hired me by interviewing over the phone but they also knew there was no way I could drive across the country just for an interview. I let my eyes roam over the house that stands out like a sore thumb compared to all the other homes in the neighborhood. The paint is the ugliest yellow color that is chipping off in huge chunks, considering how old the windows look they have probably never been replaced, honestly the place is in such bad shape I wouldn't be surprised if a storm knocks it down. All the other homes are two to three-story large homes that are in immaculate condition, they seem to all be newly built or renovated so it's obvious this is a rich area, I laugh to myself at the fact my little rundown shack home is in the middle of all these high-class mini-mansions. Why this house hasn't been torn down for a new place to be built is beyond me but I shouldn't complain too much since it's a roof Anna can sleep under.

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