Chapter Three

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Doms POV:

Tonight was mental, and now I've got plans tomorrow with this random musician I saw not even an hour ago. I started scrolling through her Instagram, eventually going to her twitter. She had videos of her singing, which was jaw dropping. She was promoting smaller artists, and expressing her opinions in what she called 'deep diving crisis time'. I eventually stopped scrolling through her assortment of content and checked the time, I got a busy day tomorrow so I decided to head to sleep, genuinely excited for 6:30pm at The Lyric.

I woke up a mess, suddenly yawning as my arms stretched upwards as if they were reaching for some form of energy. I looked at my phone, left on my bedside table plugged in surprisingly, I don't even remember how I fell asleep. I reached for my phone and turned it on, 11:37am. Jeez I slept in late. I unplugged my phone and rolled over, it was full of social media notifications. I begun scrolling and responding, not noticing how much time was going by, it was 12:07pm when I checked the time after my binge on social media. To finish it off I went onto my dms, seeing ones I recently responded to. Yungblud? What? That's when all the memories flooded back to me, shit I have plans with Dom today. I laughed giddily, omg I have to get myself sorted! I stretched from my comfortable position and out into the real world, my eyesight went a bit weird as I started walking towards my bathroom, phone in hand. I stood in the bathroom and looked at how much of a mess I was, I was in my clothes and eyeliner from the night before, my hair was a mess and I smelt like sweat. I sighed at the state I was in and connected my phone to my speaker, shuffling my playlist. Devil Town by Cavetown came on, I turned it up and got in the shower.

I got out of the shower, One Of The Drunks by Panic! At the disco was playing. I danced over to my closet, gotta look good today I jokingly thought. I grabbed some black cargo pants, my black dr martens with a newspaper clipping pattern littered all over them, a handful of chains, I'll try them on later, a black button up with loads of manga style patches on them, it was from Drop Dead so it was perfect for my style. I put them all on, except for the boots, I put pink socks on and threw my boots out into my living room. I mean if you're meeting Dominic Harrison it would be rude to not wear pink socks I jokingly thought to myself. Once I got ready it was 1:13 pm. Jeez I haven't got long until I'm out. I thought about messaging Damien or Oliver, but I'll tell them about stuff after it happens, don't wanna fuel any false hope. I put an alarm on my phone for 6:20, the lyric is like a good seven minute walk from my house, not that far but you never know with London. I've lived in London since I was nineteen, I'm nearly twenty now surprisingly and I think Dom is like twenty one? I mean I don't really wanna google him before I meet him, that might be a bit weird.

I made my way to my kitchen, I turned my phone up so my speaker which was still on my bathroom was loud enough for me to hear, I don't normally eat in the morning, I'll put the kettle on and see what I fancy.

I flicked on the kettle, and got out the first mug I could find, putting a teabag in it. Yorkshire tea of course. Part of me couldn't believe I was meeting Dominic today, it was honestly unbelievable. My thoughts were interrupted due to my stomach rumbling, I sighed and got out some bread, putting it in the toaster. Whilst I waited for the pop of not only the toaster but the kettle too I danced along to Vegas Lights by Panic! At the disco.

I ate my overly buttered toast and drank my tea whilst scrolling through my phone. I made an attempt to not get any on my clothes, but noticed a drop or two of tea on my pants. It was now only 2:00pm, I didn't want to head into the recording studio but I had an itch to play music. I put my dishes in my sink, and decided I should finally clean my dishes so I feel like I've done something today. I begun singing along to song after song as I scrubbed the dirt away.

I played my electric guitar and messed around with some more technical music on my laptop. The time progressively passed, and once I got out of my music making trance it was 5:13pm.
"Shit I gotta make sure I'm sorted." I muttered, I've got a while but I might as well make sure I'm all good. I packed up some of the mess I'd made and went to my room.

I flopped onto my bed and plugged my phone in, laying down on my side I scrolled through my phone, eventually tugging a blanket onto myself. I had a while until I was going so I'll be fine.

My phone buzzed, finally I could get off. I pushed my blanket off of me, and grabbed my purse from my bedside table, threw my boots on, turned off the lights and shoved my phone and purse in my pocket. I looked in the mirror in my living room, I'd only put on mascara and a bit of eyeliner, I felt good. I smiled to myself and made sure my lights were off. I said goodbye to my apartment and headed out onto the streets of London.

I walked out into the cold, feeling excited for where I was headed and who I was meeting, I quickly checked my dms, no messages okay phew, he hadn't cancelled. It was now 6:22, my excitement only grew and grew.

The streets of London were bustling, as they normally were, of course I stuck out a bit, with it being a bit cold I wasn't there in a massive coat and ugg boots. I was roaming through the streets with a giddiness about me, when I thought nobody was looking I swung around on a lamp post to turn a corner. I felt free.

It was 6:33 when I arrived at the lyric, I gazed at it from the outside, took a deep breath in and headed inside.

I was immediately greeted with the bustle of a London pub. People laughing, drinking, some eating. Always reminded me of little memories I'd made in pubs all over England. My eyes searched for Dom, I knew it wouldn't be long, two young angsty kids would be easy to spot in a pub. That's when I saw a hand go up in the crowd, sitting at the bar near the farthest seat was Dom, I immediately smiled and worked my way over.

"Hey!" I greeted happily.
"Hi!" Dom responded, getting up and immediately hugging me. I couldn't help but feel happy, normally people don't hug me straight away so this is nice.

We both sat down, Dom passed me over a pint. "Sorry didn't know what your drink was." He apologised.
"Oh no it's fine, I enjoy a good pint with my mates." I smiled, I remember going out every night with my mates, definitely hurt my bank account.
"I'm lovin' this outfit too" He added, I smiled helplessly.
"Thanks! I love yours, it looks sick." I responded, looking at his creepers, all the up to his hair, he looked so sick.

~five hours later~

It was about 11:40, and getting late, Dom and I had gone through pint after pint, talking, we actually got on so well! We had so many similarities in our childhoods, and things we loved and did. We laughed the night away.

We were standing outside and just as I was going to say goodby Dom  interrupted me.

"Could I get your number?  It's difficult trying to find you in my dms." He asked with a light laugh.
"Yeah, of course! Here," I answered getting my phone out "it's...."
"Thanks!" He said as he put his phone in his pocket.
"You know, it's been ageeessss since I just talked till my jaw ached, that was nice." I smiled, remembering all the things we talked about.
"It was, I enjoyed it. More nights to come." He implied, making me even happier.
"I should hope so."
"Soon, promise." He said, Ponting his pinky towards me. I took it as we shook hands.
"Promise." I responded, a smile on my face.
"Well, good night then. Thanks again." He ended, going in for a hug. I hugged him and thanked him too, wishing him good night. We both went our own ways after the first night of many many many more to come.

1523 words! phew, that was some work! I hope you guys enjoy, please comment if I messed up or anything haha. luv ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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