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Today's the day we have all been waiting for,

this war.

This isn't something that happens regularly this was the biggest war to go down in vampire history. The psychic vampire, which is creature said to feed off the "life force" of other living creatures or in other words.. humans


The sanguinarian vampire, feed on very small amounts of human blood, generally just a few drops, They are said to be weaker than the psychic vampires due to their lack of blood craving. They weren't <real> vampires in the brood* of the psychic's eyes since they don't necessarily kill living beings or drink that much blood.

(*Brood is known as a group of vampires)


"Today's the day.. Seokjin.. we can't be seen together or we will both be beheaded" Namjoon spoke quite quietly you could hear the pain in the psychic's voice meanwhile Seokjin the sanguinarian was already leaving. Namjoon felt his heart break before grabbing his boyfriend's pale wrist. "wait pleas-" he was cut off by Seokjin. "NO, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT.. ALL YOUR STUPID LEADER'S FAULT!" He barked. Namjoon was taken aback to what his boyfriend just said. "but.. I didn't ask for this whole war.. you know I want us to be together I didn't know my brood would turn against you sanguinarian's.." Seokjin quickly pushed Namjoon back. "So I'm just some sanguinarian to you? Is that what you think of me?" Seokjin did not wait on an answer as he quickly made his way out of Namjoon's mansion.

Sooner or later there was a huge siren signalling the war was beginning.

All vampires met on each side of a meadow.

"Look at those sanguinarian's they can't even compete with our brood. I don't even know why they showed up. They're so weak." Hoseok spat while cracking his neck and looking over at his bestfriend. "Right Namjoon?" Namjoon quickly snapped out of his trance. "R-Right yeah.." He whispered inaudibly and Hoseok noticed this and punched his bestfriend's shoulder. "Yo Joon what's up you're acting weird.. wait you're not scared of dying right?" Namjoon sighed and decided to be proud of his brood despite his boyfriend being in the other. "hell no, i'm not afraid of dying, they can't kill me.. i'm not alive." Namjoon bragged Hoseok nodding with a smirk on his face until ..

Both vampire brood's started running at eachother both of them equally trying whom they thought was the strongest.

It was all going well for Namjoon until he was face to face to Seokjin.

Seokjin grabbed Namjoons arm and tried twisting it and Namjoon shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" If he didn't feel broken before he defiantly did now..

Hoseok heard Namjoon shout. "I'VE GOT YOU"

Seokjin's eyes widened along with Namjoon's.

"Kill me" Seokjin looked at Namjoon it felt like it was only them two in the world. "I can't-" Namjoon's voice got weaker he was at the verge of crying. "I love you, now kill me.. before your friend does.." Seokjin pleaded and Namjoon just couldn't.

Seokjin thought to himself before quickly kissing Namjoon and Hoseok was only getting closer. Namjoon slowly gripped Seokjin's neck having no choice and broke the kiss before pretty much snapping his neck completely off. Hoseok then panted as he had now just arrived by Namjoon's side. "Holy fuck.. that sanguinarian just kissed you how fucking gross." Hoseok laughed before going to help the rest of his brood, fights going on all around them. Namjoon finally let Seokjin's beheaded head go. "Y-Yeah gross.." his heart shattered he had just killed the love of his life.

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