𝔗𝔢𝔡𝔡𝔶 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔯

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"about time," Mike snickered at the sight of me and Bev walking inside Bill's house. "what were you two doing?"

"making out, sorry Bill." i wrapped my around her and made her break out in laughter. Eddie had an instant expression of shock, before realizing i was just fucking around.

"oh my god," she pushed me away jokingly and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to her boyfriend and... actually looked a bit uncomfortable.

"so, the fuck are we doing?" i sat down along with the rest of the losers', looking around at everyone in front of me. nobody really had much of an idea on what we were doing anyways.

"no c-clue," Bill told me honestly, a shrug coming out with his words. "w-we could g-go to the fair."

"wait, seriously?" a childish form crawled over me, i fucking loved the fair, and it was near Bill's house.

"y-yeah, i can g-get my mom to d-d-drive us, she doesn't have w-work today." Bill smiled at my enthusiasm, i gave a quick nod.

"i'm down if everyone else is," Bev agreed. we all, of course, ended up agreeing to going to the fair. hopefully his mom would give us enough money to be there for a while.

it was honestly a fun car ride as well, it started out with a lot of convincing to Bill's mom (who eventually gave in) and trying to all shove ourselves in her car.

it went: bev, me, eddie, mike, ben, stan, and Bill in the front seat. or it was supposed to anyways. there was barely enough room. so me, Eddie, Bev and Ben decided to hop in the trunk. it was an open one- where it was a lot bigger and there were two small windows companying us me.

well anyways, it was open enough where we could see everything happening in front of us, so we could still talk with everyone.

it was super fun, mostly because me and Eddie had been pushed up against each other and i got to make stupid jokes with him. But once he was caught off guard, i looked down at his hand.

don't fucking do it Rich, it'll just lead to a bunch of embarrassment. i slowly moved my hand towards his, but he began to talk again so i immediately put my hands into my lap. fuck.

the ride felt so short, when it actually took about a half an hour to get there. but fun times always fly by too fast, the whole car ride was basically my mom jokes and the others laughing.

but we felt as the car stopped, which meant we could all leave. but we had to get a lecture from mom first, obviously. "i'm leaving you guys with thirty bucks at least, call me when you guys want me to come pick you up." she handed Mike the money, since he was the most trustworthy clearly, and unlocked the car doors.

Beverly opened up the trunk and hopped out, me and the other two following behind. i slammed the trunk door and heard Bev begin to whisper to me, "looked like Eddie got a little jealous back at the house." she elbowed my side, causing me to blush ridiculously.

"n-no he didn't!" i spoke.

"you're such a mess, you better flirt with him the whole time." she instructed me with her finger pointed, "i know what i'm talking about, i'm in a goddamn relationship."

"fine! fine. not like i already do it all the time," i sarcastically blabbered, causing her to playfully punch my shoulder.

we ran over and caught up with the other losers, Beverly gestured for me to walk next to Eddie; so i did.

"so Eds, you want to go on the ferris wheel and make out or what?" i looked at my nails and felt as he shoved me almost immediately.

"oh my god, you're such an embarrassment." he blushed a lot, holy fuck. does he..? no. you embarrassed him, why wouldn't he fucking blush?

he gripped my wrist, "come on! let's go over there!" he pointed at a booth with giant stuffed animals hanging from the top, it was that one game where you throw the ball and try to knock all the cups down.

"seriously? that kiddy game? what are you, five?" i asked him, looking down at him with a raised brow.

Bill walked back from the ticket booth with a giant stack of tickets, "okay, we got like a hundred tickets, so how the fuck do we split this?" I looked down at the stack.

"h-he said there was at l-least thirty f-five." Bill said as he unfolded the long string of thick paper tickets, "so e-each of us c-can get five." he said as he ripped the first line of five, handing it to Bev, then the next to Mike, then so on and so forth; leaving us all with exactly five tickets.

"alright! time to split up then huh?" i blurted out, folding up the tickets in the correct way and shoving them down my front pocket.

"i mean we don't have to," Mike said to me, i gave what felt like a awkward shrug. "i don't mind staying together."

"well, i think we can split up, it would be boring if we played games we didn't want to." Beverly could tell i wanted to stay with Eddie alone, so she made sure to instantly come to my rescue.

"oh, okay. well who's gonna go with who?" Mike questioned, Beverly decided to make some groups for us so not much complaining or arguing would occur.

"Richie and Eddie, Mike and Stan, and.. me and Ben!" she listed off, turning her gaze over to Bill who had been standing there in a thorny stance, he looked like he barely knew any of us.

"a-and me?" Bill questioned, pointing at himself.

"oh right! um.. you can pair up with Mike and Stan, is that okay?" Beverly told him, her voice felt almost like the words had been forced through her teeth- but it wasn't.

"o-oh, um. o-okay." Bill responded hesitantly, he looked like his heart was broken in a million pieces.

i glanced over at Beverly, her facial expression seemed oddly strange to me, like she didn't want to be around Bill whatsoever.

i brushed it off, it was probably nothing right? she'll tell me about it sometime soon anyways.

we soon all split up, Eddie dragging me along to the booth he pointed out in the first place. i was actually pretty glad eddie was so enthusiastic to hang out with me. "do you think you'll actually be able to win?" i teased him with a smirk plastered on my lips.

"yeah! i'm good at these games!" he had a smile as well, showing that he was already having a blast with me. i was glad, he was fun to hang out with.

i smiled and walked up to the booth with him, watching as he handed the man two tickets. i felt my face heat up at the slightest, only due to how focused he had been on the game that he decided to face.

"i got it!" Eddies cheers clicked me back into reality, looking over at all the knocked over plastic cups resting on the table.

"hey, well that's a shocker." i teased him, keeping my same mischievous smirk as i watched his smile grow bigger.

"oh come on! you already knew id win," he scolded as the man behind the counter handed him the giant stuffed animal. it was some weird big teddy bear that looked like some knockoff of build a bear workshop- but instead this bear was almost as big as Eddie.

"now it's my turn to pick," i winked, looking around at all the childish games that stood. i wanted to play one that might be harder than average, but i didn't know which one.

"hurry up, we don't have all day." he blabbered, a joking expression on his face.

"let's go play all of them! until our tickets run out." i smiled, and of course he agreed to my plan. i actually had something on my mind for when i had three tickets left.. hopefully he'd agree.

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