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Eric's POV

Why was I even doing this? A guy who bullied me for four years then randomly made out with me and sucked my dick was asking for me to get him out of a boarding school. I should just leave him there and
Ignore his letters... but I can't. Every time I try to forget him I just keep thinking about him.

"Hey dad, can I borrow your car? Me and Otis are going to a party tonight." I hated lying to him but I needed his car if I was going to get there quickly. "Sure son, just be safe okay?" I was kinda surprised he said yes but I won't complain "thanks dad, love you"

Adams POV

I'm starting to think that Eric isn't coming. It's been a few days since his letter arrived and it's only and hour drive from moordale. Maybe he's decided there no point because I bullied him. I hated how I had treated him but I know now that I was just repressing how I really felt. I can't stay in this place, if they find out that theres even a chance that I'm gay they'll put me in a ward. They'll put me in a straight camp and try some weird brain washing shit.

Eric's POV

I got in the car and set my phones GPS to the school. I hesitated a little before pressing go, why was I doing this? After our kiss he ignored me and now he wanted me to save him?! I don't know what good can possibly come from this.

————TIME SKIP————

I was just around the corner from the school, it's around midnight. He'll probably be asleep I should just wait till morning. But I couldn't, part of me so badly wanted to see him. I parked my car and started marching towards the school. It was a huge building and almost all the lights were still on which is weird for how late it is. I walked through the reception and to the front desk, "hi I'm Eric Ef- I mean Eric Groff" I forgot I'm supposed to be his brother "I'm here to discharge my brother... Adam Groff" she looked down at her computer and tapped the keys for a while then picked up the phone "can I get room 107 please?" She handed me a form and told me to fill this in whilst he arrived. I sat down in the waiting area and she spoke on the phone to someone who I presumed was Adam and told him his 'brother' was here to see him. Five minutes later the lift beeped and Adam came out with a suitcase, he had a huge grin plastered on his face and instantly ran up to me and hugged me. For such a huge guy he was surprisingly soft... like a marshmallow. He pulled away slightly and whispered in my ear "thankyou so much"
Our faces were inches apart and he looked at my lips, then he pulled away and coughed. I handed the form to the receptionist and we left. He put his suitcase into the back of my car and jumped into the passenger seat eagerly.

————TIME SKIP————

"So... you wanna talk about it?" I didn't know how to bring this up properly, I mean what do you say to someone after you've broken them out of military school? "Talk about what?" Was he serious? I had so many questions.

"Why did your dad put you here?"

"Loads of reasons"

"... is it because you're... you know?"
I gave him a look that just said 'gay'

"No... he uh, he doesn't know that. No one does"

"Oh... okay well did you anger him? Like was it because of the dance? Did he tell you-"

"NO... he didn't tell me, he hates me that's why he sent me away."

I was silent. I couldn't imagine what he was thinking. There was a awkward silence for a minute

"Where do you want me to drop you off? What's your address?" He looked down "just drop me at the holiday inn next to Clyde road..." I was shocked, I looked at him. "Aren't you going home?" He laughed at my response "yeah that's a great idea, I'll go home and say 'oh hey dad I got out of that boarding school you sent me to, I'm gonna go unpack, what's for dinner?' Yeah that'll go great" he said sarcastically, he was right I guess, I mean what could he do? The next words that came out of my mouth must've been someone else's because I wasn't thinking when I said them. "You can stay with  me." His head snapped up "really?" I looked at him "yeah, my parents will be fine with it I'll just say you fell out with your parents and need a place to stay for a while" he looked down, it looked like he was blushing "thanks." I felt all warm when I looked at him and how flushed he was "no problem" I said through my grin.

————TIME SKIP————

He arrived back at my house "wait here I'm gonna quickly talk to my parents okay?" I got out the car as he nodded quickly. I walked into the living room, my dad was still up obviously waiting for me to get home safe. "Hey dad um...
Can my friend Adam stay here for a while? His parents kicked him out..." dad stood up and turned the tv off "yeah uh... sure do you need any extra blankets?" I smiled, I was glad he was on my side now. "No thanks, and go to bed you look tired" I opened the door and Adam came in with his suitcase my dad came up to us "hey Adam, I'm Eric's dad" they shook hands "if you boys need anything you know where I am." He took Adams suitcase and went upstairs to put it in my room. Adam and I looked at each other and smiled, we stood in silence but it was a comfortable silence, I broke our stare and pointed up stairs "my rooms this way"

We went into my room and he took off his jacket hanging it over a chair. "So uh... you can have my bed and I'll have the blow up mattress" I said as I got a spare duvet out of the wardrobe along with a few pillows "no it's your house you can have the bed" I gave him a look "no your the guest, I'll sleep on the floor, thanks" I put the pillow and duvet on the floor
"Well... your beds a double, it's big enough for both of us..." I gave him a look of disbelief. "Okay if that's okay with you then sure"

————TIME SKIP————

We changed into pyjamas and got into the bed, I stayed kinda far away. I didn't want him to get uncomfortable. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling "do you need anything? Are you warm enough? Like do you need water?" I wanted to make sure he was okay before I went to sleep "no I'm okay, Thankyou for picking me up... and for letting me stay here, I didn't know who else to ask" we went silent for a second "no problem... night" "goodnight" I turned the light off but didn't close my eyes, I felt like I suddenly wasn't tired. Adam turned towards me "Eric... are you still awake?" I turned towards him and suddenly our faces were really close. "Yeah, are you okay?" He looked down "I'm worried. What if my dad finds out I got out? I can't hide forever and he's gonna kill me." I sighed, I felt bad for him I'd never seen this side of him before and he was more delicate "you'll be okay, I'm here and you can stay here as long as you need" he shuffled even closer, our noses were almost touching and I could feel his breath against mine. "Thanks, it's good to have someone" I felt him move his hand under the cover and bring it up to my cheek, his smiled suddenly vanished and he turned around and lay facing the opposite direction to me, I felt kind of sad. "Good night" he said in his same deep voice. I turned away so our backs were facing. And closed my eyes.

I heard a shuffle and felt a arm snake around my hip and over my stomach, his leg pushed against my leg and he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck. I smiled widely and relaxed my breathing drifting to sleep.

Forbidden letters Eric Effiong x Adam GroffWhere stories live. Discover now