Chapter One

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"M'lady," a voice calls out to you, pulling you out of your peaceful sleep, "It is time to wake up." You realize one of your maids were in your bedroom, intending to get you ready for the day. You let out an exhausted moan as you sit up in your queen-sized bed and stretch your arms' muscles. You flinch when a bright light blinds you when the maid pushed the curtains away from the glass window.

"Ella, do I have any plans today?" You ask the maid as you look at your reflection in the mirror of your vanity while the maid, Ella, tightens up your corset. You wince at the pain but remain silent, waiting for her answer.
"For today, you will be having lunch with one of the families who are in business with your father," she replied, "Oh, and I heard that they will be bringing their son with them!" You made a slight face as you hinted the joyful tone in Ella's voice. You hated when people thought you were old enough to look for boys to marry and all. It wasn't like you to be in love with someone anyways. 

When you were done getting dressed up, Ella made your hair into a french side-braid before bowing and left quickly, scurrying down the stair-case but made sure she wouldn't trip over her dress. You sigh as you take one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs yourself to have breakfast with your parents, who you were assuming were still at the table. And they were. You realize with ease, without even glancing at him, that your father was reading today's newspaper was sipping his tea and your mother was checking the mail that she hadn't opened yesterday evening. You take your seat quietly and began helping yourself with the food that was nearest to you. 
Your mother always told you that it wasn't very lady-like to stand up and walk around the table just to pick out some food to eat. However, you didn't like it when she did that. When she would accuse you of being yourself, rather than a proper lady with good manners and kind compliments for everyone. You never really revealed your blunt, stubborn side when your parents were around. 

"So, I heard we were going to have guests this noon," you say, attempting to break the rather awkward silence between you three. Your father cleared his throat and your mother's head jerked up for a second, then she wetn back to the mail. 

"Good morning to you too, (Y/N).." she muttered, loud enough for you and your father to hear however. You sucked in your breath, inhaling then you exhaled - letting out a long sigh. After that, the three of you stopped talking and once you were done eating, you excused yourself quietly and made your way to the garden - one of your favorite places in the entire manor. 

You began to stroll through the paths, admiring the beauty of each and every bush and hedge of flowers. They were all so beautiful that you couldn't even pick a favorite! You continued your walk, noticing the gardener planting some new tulips on a small land of dirt. You decided to go see him and so you went.

"Hello, Joseph," you say, and he jumps and turns to you. The look in his eyes clearly explained that you somewhat startled him. He must have been thinking that it was just him there since there was no noise but the sound of the water at the fountain, the sound he was making himself and the wind. 
"G-Good morning, m'lady!" he greets you with his slight accent, trying to dust off as much dirt as he could before standing up and bowing to you. "What brings ya 'ere on a mornin' like this?" 

You shrug your shoulders and observe your surroundings, "A day like this is always perfect for a stroll in the garden," you turned to him, sending a small smile in his direction, "Wouldn't you agree?" He then begins to hesitate but nods anyways, "I-I, I was just finishin' up my task to plant these tulips!" 

He nods again, "Lord (L/N) wants the garden to be perfect for our guests." A quiet sigh escapes your lips. He tilts his head to the side just a little bit, "Ya don't like havin' visiters, do ya?" 
You shake your head silently and he chuckles at your silent response.
"I can't blame ya," he says, taking a look at the hedge filled with red roses that was beside you two, "When I was younger, I didn't like meetin' new people either." Then he looks back at you. 
"But this is Lord (Y/N), we ain't gonna mess with his plans, now are we?" You nod.

"Yes, I suppose you're right, Joseph," you say, turning away. "I must be going now, mother might be wondering where I am." 
"Oh, alright then! Now you take care, m'lady," he replies and you nod, even though you had your back turned to him. You began walking off, a smile tugging on your lips. Even though you couldn't admit it, you enjoyed talking with Joseph - you thought that he was good company and that he understood what he was doing and saying. 

Once you got back in the building, you see a maid scurrying towards you with an envelope in her hand. "Oh, m'lady!" she calls out and you stop to get the letter.
"You've received a letter from Her Majesty, the queen," she informs you as the letter was taken out of her hands. You nod as you observe it. 
"Yes, thank you very much...?" 
"Alison," she says. 
"Alison," you repeat, "Thank you." She nods and walks off, leaving you alone to climb up the stair-case and walk into your small office. You place the letter slowly on your desk and take a seat in your chair before opening your drawer to cut the seal. 

When you were done, you took out the paper and opened it up, only to begin reading, 

"Dear faithful angel, 

I write this letter to you for one reason and one reason only: 

There has been a series of murders and I would like you to go solve this case with my loyal guard-dog, Lord Ciel Phantomhive. It has been confirmed that you will be visiting the Earl tomorrow noon to discuss this case.

Yours truly,
Queen Victoria." 

You sigh, dropping the letter onto the desk once more and leaned back into your chair. You stare into the space of the ceiling blankly.
"Lord Ciel Phanthomhive himself?" you ask yourself, your (E/C) orbs still locked onto the space when a smirk begins dancing on your lips.

 "Let the show begin." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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