Chapter 2

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Detective Daniel Reagan stepped out of his vehicle with a gloom over his face. His partner Maria Baez followed with her head up high, masking the dread she was feeling.

"What do we have?"

"Officer Harold Jenkins, 56. He was heading into work and was shot and killed in the driveway. His wife realized that he had forgotten his lunch and went out to bring it to him, she found him on the ground. Poor guy was choking on his own blood. She held him while he died. Medics pronounced it not long after they got here. He didn't stand a chance." The Officer on the scene explained.

Danny sighed and looked down at the covered body.

"Did anyone see the car?" Baez asked, looking around at the crowd.

"No ma'am. By all accounts there wasn't one, no one remembers hearing shots either. It happened around 5 am this morning."

"Okay, well whoever did this had to get here some way, check and see if you can find any tire treads or signs that someone was here on foot. Get plenty of pictures, and we will go talk to the wife." Danny stated as Baez followed him to the wife.

Danny stepped into the house and took a look at the photos. There was family photos and Baez noticed the grandson smiling in some of them. Baez watched as the corner took the body and stepped into the house behind him.

Danny and Baez introduced themselves.

"I'm Maria Jenkins. I really don't know anything. I was heading back to bed. I get up to make his lunch before he leaves. He kissed me goodbye and walked out. I realized that he forgot his lunch and went out to give it to him, he was just lying there. I heard something crash through the window and called 911. I..." she began to sob.

Danny looked at the bullet impeded in the wall. "Hey, let's get this bullet dug out and sent to the lab." He took CSU.

"MOM!" They heard. Danny and Maria took that que to leave and let the family mourn.

They stepped out and sighed. "I want this son of a bitch caught now." Danny took Maria. Maria agreed.

Alex walked out to the kitchen to start the coffee. She passed Charlie asleep on the pull out couch, cuddled into her blanket and pillow. The ones she takes everywhere. She smelt the coffee and grinned when she saw that her dad was already awake.

"Hey Dad." She smiled.

"Hey Beautiful. I made it just the way you like it."

"Coffee!" She heard Charlie yell. She shook her head at her crazy hyper best friend.

"How can you be so hyper first thing in the morning?" Alex asked as she took a sip.

"I can't help it, the smell of coffee works every time, especially when it's your dad's coffee." Charlie replied before she took a sip of her own coffee.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Dave asked as he looked between the two women.

"Not much, I figured we would do some sightseeing today and then tomorrow, Charlie and I wanted to do some shopping since I know you wanted to get some writing time in." Alex replied.

"Sounds good to me. I already looked in the fridge, you have enough food for me to make my famous bacon, potato hash and eggs, just point me in the direction of the skillets." her dad said as Jamie walked out of the bedroom.

"They're in the cabinet next to the stove dad. Morning babe." Alex said as she kissed Jamie.

"You know you need to call the rest of the team and tell them about you two being engaged. Garcia will never forgive us if she doesn't hear it from you." Charlie said.

Family Over Everything - A Criminal Minds/Blue Bloods CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now