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??? P.O.V

It all happened on a nice sunny day, I was ready to ruin everyones day. Well- I never suspected anything like this would happen... But here's what happened, I like to call it the beginning of the end...

As you all know, the princess was up and going to do her daily routine, while me and my roommate- Well, my old roommate, were waiting for her to leave. He mumbled a few things about food and me always being a jerk, then I told him to go do something to pass the time. So he did.

A few minutes later, princess Unikitty came out of her castle. She said a few hellos to the flowers, and to a few clouds. It took awhile for her to leave, but she did leave eventually, then it was my time to shine! I slowly crept out of my hiding place, I looked around to see what I could ruin.

Then I seen it... The barbeque, I thought it was perfect! But it wasn't...

So, I decided I can try putting it out, but where? I looked up, and then an idea sparked, I can probably go to the balcony of the castle to put it out! So I did, it took awhile though...

Once I was on the balcony, I seen a bucket by the pool! So I grabbed it, and filled it up with water from of course, the pool. Once I did, I went to the side of the balcony where the barbecue was, I was positioning it until old man Rick came along!

"Master frown!" The brick said, or did he yell? Well, he just said my name in a very angry manner. But it was unexpected, so I accidentally dropped the bucket, I spun around to face Richard. "Hey! Look what you did! Now I have to start over!" I yelled, then a horrible scent filled my nostrils. It was the smell of fire!

"... Do you smell that?" I asked the boring monotone brick. "Yes, where is it coming from?" I turned and looked over the balcony, then I seen it. The bushes by the castle were on fire! I let out a Gasp, I was frozen from my own fear, it felt like I was... Paralyzed? That's the best way I can put it...

Then something hit me on the back of my head, that stupid brick threw a rock at me! Oh well, I didn't have time to argue, but I did what any sensible person would do...

A little while later, me and Rick were running through the halls of the castle. It was soon filled with smoke as we ran, it was so blurry and the smoke filled my eyes with tears, but we had to keep running. Soon we came across Hawkodile and Dr. Fox, "Wheres Puppycorn!?" Dr. Fox screamed, "He's not with me or Hawk!"

"He's not with us either!" Richard replied, I'm pretty sure he was wheezing, "Maybe he's still somewhere in the castle!" "I'll go look for him, you guys go to the exit!" Hawkodile ordered, I must admit. It was heroic...

Well, we ran outside. We were coughing from all the smoke, mostly Richard, cause he has weak lungs.

About 15 minutes later

Finally, Hawkodile and Puppycorn made it out! But Hawkodiles arm... Was gone...

And I seen Puppycorn have a familiar scarf clenched in his teeth, it was Richards! And his right ear was bleeding!

"I found him..." Hawkodile said, with a tone of relief and tiredness in his voice. "Oh my! Puppycorn!!" Dr. Fox exclaimed, "Your ear! Wrap it up before it gets infected!" She commanded, I don't know where she got bandages from, but she started wrapping his ear. Puppycorn started coughing a bit, "Thanks doc!" He said, suddenly recovered from the wound. "Ahem... So, what are you doing here?" Dr. Fox asked me with a uncomfortable tone. "Oh, about that... This is all his fault!" Richard, the snitch, told the others, I knew this wasn't gonna end well...

"Guys! Are you okay!?" Oh no... Its Unikitty, and she disturbed my thoughts of what may happen...

"Hawkodile! Your arm! And lil' bro, what happened to your ear!?" Unikitty was clearly panicking at the sight, I must admit... It wasn't pretty. "Princess, as your royal advisor I must tell you... This was frowns fault!" Richard, that little snitch, told her. "Ha! Rick, you delusional brick! It probably wasn't Frown!... Right?"

"Im... So sorry..." That's all I can say, I tried to find the words to explain. "It was an accident! If... If it wasn't for Rick! The castle would still be here!" I pointed at Rick, trying to defend myself. "R-rick? What? T-that's silly! He would NEVER d-do that!! Right R-RICK!?" Her pelt was slowly growing red with anger, she was growing into a beast!

"Princess, stay calm!" Hawkodile reminded her. "Hawk? Are you SERIOUS!? He-he hurt you! He hurt Puppycorn! HE HURT MY KINGDOM!!!" She screamed at the bodyguard, "I... I gave you so much chances! But this... THIS is TOO FAR!!" She was enormous, she lashed her claws out.

I felt a sharp pain in my right eye, I tried opening both eyes... But a blur was in the left. Unikitty was hysterically laughing, she's lost her sanity.

"Ha! That's to make up for all those years you put US THROUGH! And that's only a little part of what's coming to you..." She was raising her paw for another attack, but Hawkodile jumped in the way. "Princess! This needs to stop!" He yelled at her, "This is too far!"

"Oh, now your helping the enemy?? You traitor! I bet all of you are traitors!" She was growing bigger, but she was distracted by Hawkodile. So I began to run to where Brock was...

"Brock! We need to go, NOW!" I found him at the duck pond, feeding the ducks. "Okay geez- Whoa! Dude, what happened to your eye!?" "There's no time to explain! Just get to the car and drive to the apartment!" I commanded. We went running to my car, since I was bleeding from the other eye Brock had to drive for us.

We've arrived at the apartment, me and Brock rush inside, He grabs the first aid kit and starts patching up my new blind eye. "What happened?" He asked me, so I decided to tell him everything.

"Dude! Why would you do that!?" He said with anger in his voice, "That's too far! Now I see why Unikitty did that!" He said, crossing his arms. Before I can say anything, he gets up and goes to our room. When he comes back he has a bag packed full of junk.

"Frown, I'm sorry... But I can't forgive you! This is too far!" He said making his way to the door, he opened the door and he said... "I hope you're happy..."

A couple of minutes later, I hear loud bangs and faint screams from outside, I look out of the kitchen window and I seen Unikitty. Tearing down houses, probably looking for me! I rushed to me and Brocks room, I start packing some things in a bag. Then I seen the desert wasteland outfit Brock gave me...

I pack that too, then when I was done packing I made my way to the door. I looked back once more, remembering all of the good memories that were made in this apartment.

"Well, goodbye apartment..." I opened the door, and started running as far as I can from there. I knew that him would never be the same...

Well, that was how I , the once 'great' Master Frown, started it...


HEY THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING IN PERSPECTIVES HEHEHE, but this is still a big hecking work in progress. And im still learning how to write.

This AU was heavily inspired by Thecrazyrpkid, I'm sorry if it seems so much like his/hers! This chapter was also inspired by Erin Hunters famous series "Warriors" aka Warrior Cats, but I hope you enjoy!


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