The Fan (Michael Fassbender)

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A/N: This is for my very good friend, Cate Shaw (@bluebell84). Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a fantastic day! I hope you enjoy this. 

Also, I have just found that I have 1,000 WP followers! That is just so insane! So I am going to have a One Shot give away! If you would like me to write a one shot for you, featuring whoever you would like, all you have to do is go to the next chapter of the Pickle Chronicles (after reading this one shot, of course!) and comment (just a hello! will do)  I will randomly pick one or two people, and those people will get their own one shot featuring whoever and whatever they would like!  Enjoy! And thanks so much for all the follows and support.



“Who is this guy? Why are we waiting in line for him?” Theresa asked, crinkling her nose at her friend.  Sarah blinked wildly a few times and then slide the DVD in her hand into her bag.

“Michael Fassbender.  Fassy.  The actor I talk about on a pretty regular basis.  Do you even listen to me?” Sarah asked, smiling, knowing that Theresa was joking with her. 

“OH right.  Okay. I think I know who you mean.” Theresa grinned and then looked forward, at the twenty or so people in front of them in line.  They were at Chicago Comic Con, waiting to meet Sarah’s favorite actor.  Theresa adjusted her black widow outfit, the form fitting black material hugging her curves.  Sarah was dressed as Agent Carter, her dark, sleek hair set in the characteristic 40’s waves signature for the character.

“I’m really nervous.” Sarah shifted on her feet, her big, brown eyes scanning the large, busy hall.

“Why are you nervous? You’re just about to meet the one man you’ve been fantasizing about for the last three years.” Theresa said, her voice high and excited.   Sarah laughed, shaking her head.

“Has it been three years? It feels longer.” She tugged at the reproduction military jacket she was wearing, and smoothed down the sides of her form fitting pencil skirt.  Coming to Comic Con was always something fun that she did with Theresa every year.  They went all out, working on their cosplay for months.  It was a fun hobby, and something that they loved doing together.  This year, it was even better because Sarah had found out that Michael would be there, doing signings and meet and greets.

“So we get his autograph.  And then what?” Theresa asked. 

“I make out with him and we live happily ever after.” Sarah shrugged and stood on her tip toes to see if there was any sign of Michael yet.  Theresa snorted and shook her head.

“Okay. Good plan.”

“After autographs, we get in the line for the meet and greet.  We get to take a picture with him.” Sarah sighed, and then let out a tiny squeal when she saw the curtain behind the autograph table begin to move.

“Here we go.” Theresa murmured, bumping Sarah in the side.  Sarah held her breath, watching as the curtain moved back.  There was a ripple of excitement that passed through the line, and many voices started to exclaim excitedly. 

A few seconds later, a tall, dark figure stepped through the curtain.  Sarah held in a gasp, as Michael stepped into sight, smiling and holding up a hand in a wave as people began to cheer.  He looked fantastic.  More than fantastic.  He looked real and alive and like a living, breathing, gorgeous man.  Sarah moved back and forth, trying to get the best view of him.  The women in front of her were doing the same thing, practically vibrating with excitement and energy.  Michael was grinning wide, his signature toothy smile.  He looked happy, and in a great mood.  He stood for only a moment more before sitting down, and out of view in order to begin signing.

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