Chapter 19 - Could it be Jealousy ?

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Samantha's POV

Planning the wedding was the easy part. Figuring out what to wear to my own wedding without having a wedding dress was the hard part. Alvaro gave me the whole suitcase filled with his mother's clothes and jewelry. He said that she would have wanted me to have them and that her biggest dream for him was that he would find a girl that looked after him almost as good as his mother did.

The clothes were very old and a few sizes too big. I found a big white silk skirt that I could modify into a wedding dress for me. Alvaro was out fishing today. I decided to wash our clothes and bedding and give the house a touch of woman. I picked Jasmine flowers from the bush out in the garden and placed them all around the house. It smelled so good and fresh after I was done. It was almost dark when I went to fetch our blankets and clothes from the waterfall. Alvaro wasn't home yet. I sat on the bottom step of the ladder and braided a bracelet from thin vines. I heard a the branches creak nervously only a few feet away from where I was sitting. I positioned myself on the ladder to quickly climb up and hide inside the house but paused and looked behind me to see what caused the ruckus. Out of the bush walked a figure covered in blood. My heart sunk to my stomach and cold shivers ran up my spine. It was Alvaro. He walked bent over and limping towards me. His hair laid straight on his forehead covered in blood.

I ran towards him and put his arm around my neck to help him walk. We reached the ladder and I climbed behind him one foot at a time. He fell down on the floor when we reached the top from exhaustion while his chest made exaggerated movements from his breathing. I sat on the floor next to his legs and leaned over him to examine his body. He had deep cuts over his shins and over his knees. His hands were covered in cuts as well.

"What happened Love?" I cried out while tucking my hair behind my ears so it won't touch his body.

"Valencia.." was all he managed to get out before he closed his eyes and turned his head to the side.

"The tiger? Did she attack you?" I asked dumbfounded.

"I was getting coconuts up in the tree and when I jumped down, I.. jumped onto her.." He continued still out of breath.

"Lie still. I will get the medicine plant!" I said while remembering the pant that Alvaro showed me and told me that we should use it on any cuts to stop the bleeding. There was one growing on the ground just a few feet from the house.

I carefully picked two big leaves of the dark green plant and ran back upstairs to where Alvaro was still laying on the floor in pain. I sat the leaves down on his stomach and went to fetch the case with unopened bandages that they brought with them when they came to the island. Alvaro's breathing slowed down a little when i reached him again. His complexion went pale and his eyes were closed. I crunched the leaves between my fingers and pressed it onto the wounds before wrapping the bandages over them. I grabbed a bowl, filled with drinking water, and a cloth to clean his body with. He looked better after I cleaned him.

He had lost a lot of blood and had to rest to recover. I kept him hydrated and comfortable at all time and only fed him fruit and vegetables for a few days while cleaning his cuts everyday. He slept two days straight before he woke up the third morning.

"How do you feel?" I asked as soon as he opened his eyes. I have been awake for a hour already.

"I feel better, my energy has returned and I feel warmer." He said and gave me half a smile with tired eyes.

I gave him a cup of tea that I made earlier. He sat upright and took the cup from me before taking a sip.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked him and sat down, with my legs crossed, next to him with my own cup of tea.

"I climbed up the tree, the one near the beach where we always get the big coconuts." He said lifting his eyebrows to see if I knew which tree he was talking about. I nodded quickly while taking another sip of my tea.

"Well, I climbed and threw three coconuts down before looking to see if everything was clear for me to jump down again. I fell to my feet but Valencia was underneath me. She yelped out in pain and clawed at my legs. I fell backwards when it happened and she stood up and came for me. I kicked her face with my feet to scare her away but she didn't leave. She jumped onto me and I had to push her away with my hands." He said and looked at his bandaged hands in front of him.

"Baby, I'm so glad you are all right." I said and gave him a gentle but firm hug before unwrapping his wounds to clean them again. He flinched from the pain even though I was trying to be as gentle as possible.

I saw the appreciation in his eyes as he thanked me for taking care of him.

"You can't leave me now. I have already picked out my wedding dress and ordered the flowers." I said jokingly. He smiled his signature smile that I adored. 

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