chapter 3: Dares are weird

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Voliet (P.O.V)

Was it just me or are all the people in my life weird well not all but mostly the crazy bunch of people I call best friends expect Daliah , shes really gets on my fucking nerves... like EVERY fucking thing she does seems to get to me agh!

As many might have notice me and deliah we not best of friends really to put in terms of understanding we dont get along at all but try to keep the peace due to the duo of idocicy.

But back to the weirdness that was my day which is everyday with these people but today something I dont know what but something about today seems strange.

Today start off normal I guess as far as I know which consists of me spending time with my girlfriend before the bell rang than eventually got to homeroom which I am always late for, met Reese in homeroom devouring a cheese griller roll as per normal then final having to listen to Mr Clawrofed our homeroom teacher barge in the class and drown about how stupid and rude learners are which ultimately lend to him and Reese have a agurement in which she get kicked out of class for,

typical really of her 

met Reese after homeroom so we could go to our periods which basically intiles Reese or myself getting kicked out of and then count down to lunch starts to tick tock away in my head.


I guess it all started when lunch began . Reese and I heading to the back of the field to our group .

As we walked a ear pieceing scream was let out across the field which only belong to Natalie.

""REESE! My baby! My lover! My key!" ,Said nat while running to Reese. Whilst doing this over dramatic slow motion run towards us . My only hope was for Reese to act normal and greet her normally so we wouldnt attract others but ofcourse she couldn't.

"Lock! Ugh omg come to me!" Reese Shouted back to her.

"Seriously  shut up, embarrassing people." I said walking past the idiots as they continued to do their over dramatic slow motion run towards each other ignoring all respons.

"Oh keykey i got some tea to spill."

Seriously not the accents today

"Oi spill the tea mate",

Sweet Jesus please not today

I knew if accents were involved Reese throughout the day woudnt stop  making those ridicules attempts at trying to make up one which normal ends in her getting scolded cause she doesn't know how to shut up once it starts.

"This is top secret info bro." Whispered nat in Reeses ear , dragging her off out of ear shot so I couldn't hear leaving me alone with Dalaih staring awkwardly at me or was it more like disappointment. I didn't know and didn't really care to ask.

Geez what crawled up her butt and died today

"So did you see perhaps if-"

"HUH! WHAT! OMG! YAAASSS BITCH!" Shouted Reese , cutting me off .

I turn towards them before stalking off to the back not paying them mind  because eventually Reese and her big is going to tell me anyway what the hell all she and Natalie was talking about to make her scream.

We finally arrived at the back after a long period of time having to hear Reese and Natalie giggle like to insane people and Dalaih telling them to shut up which lead them to bursting out into full on  hystericals

I planted myself onto the ground waiting for Jack to arrive with  cigarettes and Amber my girlfriend also .

Reese and Natalie sat infront of me while Dalaih placed herself right next me and that was weird cause normally Reese would be in her lap by now or she would move way to sit somewhere else cause we both can't stand each other but there was no movement.


What was even wierder was how Natalie and Reese was staring at us with those devious eyes.

Their up to something again

"What the fuck is going on " I shouted at the two staring idiots.

"Oh nothing nothing at all " Nat replied.

"But yet there's something ", Nat replied again looking at the red faced Reese as she stared between me and Daliah.

"I dont understand stop being cryptic"

"Its ...just sometime's ", Reese said clearing her throat before she added,

"Things we hate the most can become something.. well you know "

"No i dont know so can someone elborate "

"Mmmmm" was the the answer I got from Reese just a fucking 'mmmmmm'

"What Reese is saying is that  the now is shortter than the before " Nat corrected which still didn't make  any sense at all and grammar correct.

"Ohk I will tell you " , Reese replied throw giggles just before anything could be said , a cream doughnut come flying out of nowhere into Reese awaiting mouth.

Everything happen all suddenly with Reese suddenly interested in the food which lead to her and Natalie bickering over it and Delaiha acting as if nothing happened but when I looked  closely, her hand clutched around the fork she held with a loop sided smile , which in my opinion didnt sit well for her persona and face   I guess

In those seconds of me looking at her, I outlined  every detail of her face which was really not bad as i thought it would be once i got a closer look.

"Take photo why dont cha "

my head snapped up to the sound of voice which belonged to Natalie herself covered in cream with a very sulking looking Reese in her lap.

She kept on giving me  those devious eyes which wasnt good at all and in that moment i knew I was in  for something big and due to Reese sulking over her stolen goods I knew I wouldnt get anything out of her.

So the only thing to do was to wait for the weirdness to come but waiting in  this group wasn't a thing and soon everything will be coming full force to  break and collect the damage that surround this group.

So weird in this case wasn't a good word to describe the situation ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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