♢☆The Festival☆♢

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Today was the day of the music Festivial and you are jumping with joy. For the occasion, you wore long black leggings and your favourite brand of sneakers. A white mid-drift and a hoodie over the top. With music on the front and bitch on the back. You walked out of Jays room to see everyone except you, Jay, and Dan hung over. You giggle softly and Dan seems very excited. "Delphi! We have something to ask you." Dan says enthusiastically. "What is it?" You smile at Dan and he shrieks like a teenage girl. "We want to invite you to stay in our apartment!" Dan jumps up and down. "R-Really?! But what about Cocioa-" You are cut off by Dan. "We invited Cocioa and her Girlfriend to live with us too! I know it will be a crowded apartment but we can be one big family." Dan smiles and you feel a joy in your chest. "S-Sure! But we'll have to talk about rooms and stuff like that." You said trying to contain your excitement. "While you and Jay are at your Festival. We are going to change our two guest bedrooms into your rooms!" Dan said as he wrapped his arms around you. Jay goes still. "Thank you so much!" You hug Dan back. "Now go have fun!" Dan gets off you and Jay relaxes. "Thank you so much Dan." You smile warmly at him before he pushes both of you out. "Eeek! It should be done quickly. But defiently take your time." Dan shuts the door and you giggle. "Today is a great day!" You stretch and Jay catches the words on the back of your jumper and begins to crack up. "Music Bitch, Huh?" Jay laughs and you giggle as you both hop in Jays car.

It took about half an hour to arrive at the festival. When you did it was beautiful. Each house was lined with fairylights and alot of bands and street performers are already in the middle of songs. At the center of the Festival they are setting up a Karaoke spot. You shriek and grab Jays hand. Making him blush. You both walk around and check out the stands.  It was pretty crowded so you pressed yourself closer to Jay so you wouldn't get lost. Eventually you and Jay sat down at a table of a food stand. You took a look at their menu.

-Piano Cookie Dough.
-Music Fruit Mash with a side of Guitar Caviour.
-Tuna Tune Koi.
-Couples Sundae.

-Iced Tea with Maple Syrup.
-Butterscotch Milkshake.
-Diet Oreo Coffee.

-Sushi with Jellyfish.
-Baked Bread with Fries and Steak.
-Rice with Vegetable Soup.

They all seem delicious but you choose your favourite item from the menu. Jay orders the Piano Cookie Dough, Iced Tea, And the Baked Bread with Fries and Steak. You smile at him and also order the Couples sundae. The male waiter winks at you when he notices Jay with you as you order the Sundae. You blush and look down. Jay giggles. "The festival is beautiful.." You say while admiring the effort of putting this together. Jay seems to think the same. "I know right. Beautiful." Jay smiles and looks at you with something in his eyes you can't describe. "I lov-" Jay is interrupted by the waiter giving us our drinks and puting the sundae inbetween us both. Smirking at Jay and walking away. "That waiter is definitely a shipper-" You laugh. Jay blushes and sips his drink. While you drink yours. Taking one of the two spooms that arrived with the sundae. You take a bit of the strawberry on your side of the sundae and smile as you let it melt in your mouth. "Can you please get me some vanilla on your side?" You smile at Jay and pass him your spoon. He shakes his head and blushes. Taking a spoonful with his spoon and reaching it towards you. You blush but accept it. "The sundae was a good choice." You blush and change the topic. "Y-Yeah. It really was." Jay looks at you with a embarrassed look. Your food arrives and you both finish it at the same time. There was a bit of spoon feeding from time to time but mostly just ate normally. We get up and split the bill. You and Jay walk around for awhile and checking out all the stands. At the late afternoon. You get to the karaoke stage at the middle of the Festival.

You really want to line up for a turn but shy away. Jay has other plans. He takes you to the line to sing on stage and you start protesting. "I-Its okay!-" You blush and Jay shushes you. "This will be great to try and get rid of your shyness." Jay smiles and you nod. He's right. As your waiting in line you spot 2 oh-so familiar faces. You see June and the blue haired girl. You couldn't keep calling her that so you've nicknamed her Sna. Because she is a snake- Has a interesting personality. You glare and Jay notices. Keeping his eyes on June. They spot you from the crowd and begin walking towards you. But it was finally your turn on stage and gladly got up so you can avoid him. You and Jay did a duet. It was bomb as fuck. You and Jay started singing bad guy by Billie eilish. "I'm the badddd guyyy.." You and Jay sang as you sink to the floor as part of the dance, the crowd broke into applaud and the head of the Karaoke Stand requests another song from you two. Which you gladly accept. Jay lets you pick the song and you pick your favourite. You and Jay follow along with the song perfectly and it was a great time. The crowd loved it. You and Jay are having fun. It couldn't be more perfect than this. But of course June and Sna had to ruin it. June approaches you and said. "That was amazing babe." He wrapped his arm around you and you push him away. Sna was eyeing Jay with a smirk. "Get off me creep." You said with venom in your voice. Jay growled and pushed Sna off him. "I think you might of noticed. But me and Delphi are in a happy relationship and we don't need you or your stripper girlfriend to ruin that. So screw the hell off." Jay growls and wraps his arm around me and he began to walk off. When out of view you wrap your arms around Jay and kiss his cheek. "Thank you~" Jay blushes and you kiss his cheek many times.

At the end of the Festivial at about 11 PM at night. You and Jay sat on the grass as you watched fireworks together. It was beautiful. You snuggled into Jay and he wraps his arms around you. This was the perfect day. You and Jay together. Watching fireworks. And snuggling. How better can it get? At the end of the fireworks, Jay pulls you in and kisses you passionately. You kissed back with no hesitation or shyness.

(ur welcome)
Stephsn screamed. "CLEAN THE FUCKING BATHROOM DAN." Dan who was taking all the books from the bookshelf to make it a regular shelf just flipped Stephen off. Hosuh was putting fresh blankets on your bed while Ann was Re-Painting. Dan had called for extra help. Jocat and Puffin are in Cocioa and her girlfriends room. Painting the walls and cleaning the bed. "I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL UNLEASH THE POWER OF SEVEN SUNS ONTO YOU TWO IF YOU DON'T STOP SCREAMING." Hosuh shouted back and Stephen blushed at this sudden confidence. "HYPOCRITICAL MUCH HOSUH? FUCK YOU." Dan shouted and Stephen rolled up his sleeves. "Wanna say that to my bae again Dan?" Stephen said with a mad look in his eyes and Dan quickly shut up. "Sorry Hosuh.."

I just want to actully thank you for taking time out your day to read this. And in my appreciation I have a meme from youtube that i'll share now.
Dan: Alright this party is going to be lit and fuck! What did you bring Hosuh?
Hosuh: I brough napkins!
Stephen: I was bringing napkins!
Dan: You brought napkins too huh? Lets hope Jay brings somethimg-
Everyone: JAYYY
*Happiness music starts playing*

[ENDED] ♡Don't Mind Us, Little girl.♡ •°Jay x Reader°•Where stories live. Discover now