first kiss

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I have been dating Jai for about 3 months now and everything was going amazing! We'd have date nights every other night and he makes me feel like the most important thing in the world, which, for him, is true.
He randomly showed up at my house this morning and said that he was gonna take me out today. I was ecstatic! I loved him so much and, even though we have already said, "I love you" to each other, we haven't even had our first kiss yet. Sure, the I love yous were playful but I still meant it.
I got dressed into some nice casual clothes and met my handsome boyfriend downstairs. "Wow," he said smiling, while I was walking down the stairs.
"What?" I questioned, suddenly feeling self-consious.
"Nothing," he said, dismissively. "Just every time I look at you, I fall in love with you all over again." I blushed immensely and, from what I could tell, he was blushing too.
Before I could say anything in return, he gently took my hand and lead me out to his car.

~time skip brought to you by car rides~

After we had gotten our ice creams, we decided it would be cute if we took a walk in the park.
We were holding hands and swinging our arms when he brought us to a space out of the way of everyone in some bushes. He looked me straight in the eyes and smiled his adorable grin that always made me smile in return. Before I could say anything to him, his lips were pressed against mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss.
This is all I have ever wanted. To deepen the kiss, I slid my arms around his neck and he put his arms firmly on my waist. Shortly after, we pulled away, still holding each other. "I've been wanting to do that for awhile," he remarked.
"Me too," I agreed, smiling widely. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine again, and I couldn't have been happier than in that moment.

"God, why do you have to be so ANNOYING!!!" Beau screamed at me. I was appalled that he would ever say something like that to me.
"Wh-what?" I stuttered, trying not to let a tear fall. The last thing I want to do is let him see me cry.
"You're so clingy and needy and all you ever want is for me to be with you! You know, I have a life too, (Y/N)!! And friends! And sometimes, I just need some time away from people like you!" That one stung. That insult really got to me this time. Yeah, we've had fights before, but nothing like one. He's never blatantly insulted me out of nowhere. I thought I was being a good partner but I guess, to him, I was just being annoying. He must've seen the hurt look on my face because his features instantly softened. "Oh my, (Y/N), baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." By this time, tears were already streaming down my face, making me feel weak, but I didnt even care. What he said to me hurt so much more.
"Is that really what you think?" I asked hesitantly, scared he was gonna yell at me again.
"No, no, of course not," he assured. "I'm so sorry I said that, but I was just angry, I had no idea what I was saying. I'm so so sorry, babe." At this moment, I kissed him. I really kissed him. This is our first kiss. It was passionate and rough, but full of love and lust. I could tell he loved me more than anything and I hoped he could tell that he was my everything.
We pulled away and he had a priceless look on his face. Surprise mixed with extreme happiness, and I felt the exact same way. He leaned in for another kiss but missed and fell forward and landed in a potted plant.
"Oh my god, babe, are you okay?" I asked, in between giggles. He seemed like he was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.
"Yeah," he managed to say in between chuckles. "I love you, (Y/N)..." he said, more serious than I have ever seen him be.
"I love you more, Beau." I said, meanwhile helping him out of the plant.
"I love you most," he said lovingly, while placing one last kiss on my lips.

It was a stormy Saturday afternoon, rain has been pouring down for hours now. Luckily, I'm at Luke's house having a movie marathon as a date. After our 5th or 6th movie ended, it was 4:18 pm. "Well, babe, I should be getting home," I said sadly, with a frown on my face.

"Do you really have to go?" He asked, pouting like a little kid and grabbing and holding my hand gently.
     "Yeah, I'm so sorry," I said apologetically.
     "Okay..." he said, looking like he was about to cry. I was just walking across the street to get to my car when I heard somebody shout my name behind me. I stopped in the middle of the street since there were no cars coming, and turned around. It was Luke, looking very frantic like he had just run out here. He quickly jogged to me and enveloped me in a hug.
"What are you-?" I started to ask but he cut me off with a kiss before I could finish my sentence. The kiss was incredible! I could tell he put every ounce of his love for me into that kiss. Soon, it turned to us full-on making out in the middle of the street. A few minutes later, I heard a honk from behind me. It was a person in their car waiting to get down this street. Whoops. We both looked at each other and burst out laughing while moving to the side of the street my car was on. We both shared one last goodbye kiss.
"I love you so much," Luke said, smiling goofily.
"I love you more," I argued, looking into his dreamy eyes.
"Impossible," he said with an even bigger smile on his face and a wink and turned to leave.

I was currently on a date with my boyfriend, Daniel. We've been dating for almost 2 weeks and I'd say, things are going really well. He's super romantic and always super silly and I love that about him.
We were at a coffee house, on a date, just talking. He suddenly moved us down from a table up front to a couch in the corner. "What was that for?" I asked sassily.
"Oh, I dont know," he said dismissively, which made me suspicious.
"What's going on?" I asked him again, and this time, he told me.
"Do you want to meet my parents?" He asked.
"Your parents!?" I said, shocked. "We've only been dating for two weeks!"
"I know, its just... I love you so much and I just want everybody to know that..." he trailed off at the end of his sentence, but I heard every word.
"Aw, you're so sweet!" I said. Without even being aware of it, I smashed my lips onto his. Our kiss was magical, it was everything I've ever dreamed of. It's like that kiss they always talk about in the movies but you never really know what they're talking about until you experience it yourself. It was rough and full of lust, but still gentle and sweet at the same time.
When I finally pulled away, Daniel's eyes were still closed and his lips were still puckered. I laughed so hard my gut hurt. "What?" He asked, confused.
"Nothing, its just... I love you too." I said, giving him one last peck on the lips.

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