The Saroxerian Union

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7th August 2018 - Unsure of what my next moves I should be, I asked my friend, Marz, to check out "Region of Nira" for me. This guild was apart of The Oxerian Empire (a military guild), who was merged with The New Sarovian Empire (another Military). This union was often called "Saroxeria". Marz joined the Oxerian Region, and after a while, said it was fine. So after deciding,I joined the guild. It was fine at first, although my former Maverian friends questions my choices. I was embarrassed so I said "Oh, um, I'm just here for a week to troll". Despite my words, I stayed there for more than a week. After offering to host a training as a Private, Jason Oxeria Morviz let me host. Using my Maverian experience, I hosted a training and it went successfully. At the time. Jason was a Lieutenant at the time, and he promoted me to a Corporal.

When Jason was promoted to Major, he promoted me to a Sergeant. I was very proud. During my time as an Oxerian, I was friends with "Guardswoman, Lelia" of Region of Preuze (a Sarovian Region), and "Lieutenant Guard, Azimuth" of Region of Preuze. They were the Sarovian Guards, and I often asked Lelia about their Unit. After a while, I asked "Empress, Emily" of Oxeria about them. When everything was planned, I was made the first Guardswoman of Oxeria, and joined the Guards Unit, with my fellow Guards, "Guardswoman, Sofia", "Guardswoman, Lelia", and "Lieutenant Guard, Azimuth". 

I trained all the time with the guards and my knowledge began to grow. I was proud, and excited. I had made an achievement and was as loyal as ever.

When Marz was a Corporal, I went to my friend, Misty. Marz and I convinced her to join Oxeria, and she accepted. I was excited, as I had now had many friends with me. Despite this, there were some problems. On around her second day, Misty was already promoted to "Corporal". She was very proud of this, although it was her second day. She bragged to me, saying that she was going to be promoted in no time. I was kind of freaked out that she was so eager to be promoted. So I explained to her my thoughts, of how she could be rushing up the ranks too fast. She got frustrated and ignored me. Around Misty's fourth day, she was promoted to Sergeant. She stayed in Guild Chat, "Yay, I was promoted. SOME ONE made me think it would never happen", implying that "some one" was me. Annoyed, I began to be annoyed by Misty, as she tried several other attempts to hurt me, which I ignored and got over.

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