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I'm way too tired for this. My bones cracked as I ran breathlessly. I ran and ran for my life. I turned and jumped upon heavy thick roofs. Each time my shoes collided with the grey tiles, they shook under my force. "Where am I?" I sucked in air harshly. I flashed my eyes around and nod. A hospital. I crept through a secured roof passage as I saw silent blurs fade into appearance. Slowly. they crept. Quietly they were gaining. I turned my head as I twisted and maneuvered past various of lengthy deep hall ways. More than three dozens E.L.V.E.S glided in my direction. I cursed under my breath as my heart sped so fast I could hear it's pain. They were too close, d*mn it!Instantly, footsteps came speeding down the halls like tapping raindrops in unison. They caught up. Everyone froze. The E.L.V.E.S crept in a slithery silent. They tip-toed back towards the wall and disappeared into the swallowing shadows. Instantaneously, a terrible cry of a human baby clawed my ears. Blinding bright lights screamed at my sensitive eyes. Quickly and automatically, my form changed along with my attire. 

I began to speed walk down the hall until a   womanly voice erupted, "excuse me! I said excuse me, sir! You can't be down here."  

I stiffly turned around and saw a portly woman. She was a nurse according to her clothing. The nurse was currently swaying a baby in her round short arms. 

I managed to force a tight smile, " I um..I was just.." 

"Oh, I'm so sorry!  Her sudden apology startled me, " I didn't realize you were a worker! " 

"Oh.. uh.'" I looked at my changed attire, "yes I am."

She seemed to by pass my statement with a sigh. She cradled the baby carefully and said, " the poor thing won't have a mommy to call on. She didn't want it. So now here he is. Added to the many others," she gazed lovingly at  the unsightly creature," poor thing," she mumbles. 

The hideous creature kept wailing. I held in a groan of irritation and disgust, "yes, indeed. It's a pity for the little thing," there was a short pause, "well, I'll be on my way."

Suddenly a shadow shifted and my heart leaped.If I leave they'll kill me. If I stay...I stared at the pinked face alien. So on second thought, I will be staying with the horrid baby and the big woman. I gave her a charming smile as our eyes met. Her round face reddened .

"I should help you with that wailing thing," I said as I reached for the ugly creature and slowly held it in my arms. It was disgustingly weak and soft, but at least the woman excepted my bolster, " very fragile, isn't it? Does this ali- amazing creature have a name, yet?"

The woman shook her head, " no."

We walked away from the whispering shadowed hallway into brighter ones. Slowly I grew closer to freedom and safety. I stared at the fragile alien and realized it stopped crying.

The woman chuckled in disbelief, "I could never make him stop," she smiled, " you should name him."

We walked into a room full of several tiny wrinkled creatures that made this one seem more appealing. The odor in here was soft, yet it scratched at my nose, making me wanting to sneeze. It was a particular stench. 

"That would be too much of an honor," I thought, " I would be better if you name it. Surely you would give it a better name. "

She shook her head, " see all these children? Well, I've named all who were not named. Which were practically all," she looked up at me, " I named several children."

I sighed, then stared at the baby for a long moment. I poked it round pink face and it bared it toothless smile,"ugh..."

The monstrously immense woman laughed, causing her to ripple. "How long have you worked here?"

"Not very long, as you can see."

The portly woman struggled out of her seat as she walked around feeding and tending the frail aliens, " what's your name, " she whispered. The creature were sleeping soundlessly; their round bellies raised and fell. 

"Nicholas," I surprisingly said truthfully. The small creature was too warm and the woman was working. So I put it onto the floor. It crawled and put it's terrible fat finger that were glossed with spit, onto my shoes. It tapped it away. 

"Have you decided on the child's name? I need to write it on his papers and bedside." 

Something tapped onto the floor and I stared at the baby's notable stomach. The creature must of felt my staring, because it looked up at me as I finally thought, " Kris," the baby and I made eye contact, " Kris Kringle." I frowned as I stared at its stomach again. Something radiating softly glimmered there. I picked up Kris I sucked in sharply. 

"Sh*t," I mumbled. 

The fudge'n Cane!

"Hey is something wrong?" 

"N-nothing is wrong," I glared at the childs'  stomach. The light faded as the babys' hair grew white. I quickly wrapped a nearby blanket around the child. 

I concealed my panic, but still could not speak. I couldn't believe this is happening. Actually I could.  I thought to the point of another headache, " I want to adopt this child."

There was a long pause. 


I stared at the baby. It's white hair peaked from under the blanket and skin softly glew pale. It gave me another one of its hideous toothless smile. I ignored it and eyed the fat woman, "I want to adopt this child as soon as possible."

He's going to wish he never swallowed what he did. 

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