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Marcus smiled as Amelie faced him with a venomous look. On his table was a paper with a perfect '100', while hers was '30'. Of course, she couldn't complain out loud; the teacher was around.

Well, seeing her look, though - she will try to cause some trouble. This wasn't something Marcus looked forward to; it might be painful if she got her 'bad boy' to beat him up. Marcus hadn't been a warrior type as a Hadean, and Timothy was even less of one. He was reinforcing this body's ability to regenerate, but that was all - he felt as much pain as any other human would.

So - Marcus flirted with Bill during lunchtimes, acted like a proper student otherwise, in about two weeks starting to ace all subjects not just stem fields and going home at times where other kids also did, so it would be hard for Amelie to pull anything.

But then a small miscalculation happened - physics teacher called him in about representing their school in some kid's competition. Marcus had only done enough to do things correctly, he hadn't done anything extra or shown new creative means to solve things, so this was surprising. But it looked like this school didn't have many kids who could get 100s on their exams and home-work, so that alone marked him as someone to send.

Not seeing a reason to refuse Marcus agreed, and that was when Amelie and her 'bad-boy' struck.

"Yo, nerd," Robby (Robert Harbor, but Amelie called him Robby, so Robby it is) called. "I hear you been hitting on my babe."

"No, I'm currently after Bill," Marcus replied with a straight face. Well, that was more correct than him hitting on Amelie.

That caused both of them to freeze up, and something fell over behind a wall, soon showing the face of a flustered Bill.

Hm. Ok. Whoops. In a split second, Marcus figured what was up - Bill had noticed the two plotting something and aimed to help out if something did happen--

Marcus used this confusion to run past the two. "Bill, you waited for me!" Marcus called out, soon catching Bill by hand and dashing into a run.

This body just wasn't used to running-- when Bill got over the shock, he overtook him and was the one who pulled Marcus to run till they got away from anywhere it would be unsafe to be in. It wasn't clear if those two would follow, but better safe than sorry. Robby was enough of a mule to tear them both apart if he caught them.

"You idiot--" Bill said through ragged breaths. "Tomorrow, you' ll--- be known as gay-boy-- around the school."

"At least--" Marcus replied, trying to catch his breath. "Gay boy --wouldn't --be hitting on Robby's babe."

Bill cracked up and started laughing.

Marcus did the same.

"Didn't you like her?" Bill asked, having regained his ability to speak without pauses.

"I did," Marcus replied. Actually, Timothy did, but it would be strange to explain.

"Not anymore, huh," Bill concluded.

"Mhm," Marcus nodded.

"...this might be weird to ask, but-- well, I don't want to misunderstand, what you said--" Bill started turning red.

Eyy, well, Marcus had dug the hole himself. The romance books also only had terrible consequences to lies-- Marcus let out a breath.

"I know you like me," Marcus said.

Bill's eyes widened, he now started turning completely red. He didn't deny it, though.

"I think you are cute," that was honest, so Marcus figured it was fine to say.

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