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This one doubles as Jerza Week Day 2: Love Bites, and a request from Jerza-Worshipper Mystery (on I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Mashima, not I, owns Fairy Tail.


His sharp teeth skimmed along her neck as fear mingled with pleasure. How had she gotten into this predicament? She couldn't recall much, but, through the locks of blue hair that fell in his face, dark eyes mesmerized her. She was pinned to the wall, but she couldn't think of a reason to try to escape. Even as his teeth punctured her soft skin, her outcry was only partially a pained one.


Erza awoke with a start. Another dream? She reached for her neck, running her fingers along the inhuman bite marks. It had been real, after all? She tried to decide how she felt about that.

"He is certainly attractive. But these so called dreams are getting out of hand," she murmured to herself, climbing out of bed and going to the mirror to examine her wound. "Oh no!" she gasped. Her neck and collarbone were spotted with small bruises, some darker than others, but all very visible. "I'll have to wear something to hide all this," she sighed.

"Don't you dare."

The smooth, dark voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. She spun around to find the man from her "dream" standing just over her shoulder. It was unmistakably him. He had the same blue hair and the same red tattoo imprinted on the right side of his face. She looked between him and his lack of reflection in the mirror.

"But, how?" she asked.

He smirked and showed off his fangs. "Were these not enough to convince you?" he asked.

"I- I thought I was dreaming," she stammered.

She was frozen to the spot, very unlike her, as he traced his fingers along the trail of marks he had left on her otherwise clear skin.

"I understand our previous encounters seeming like a dream, but this one? Do dreams often leave you with love bites, Scarlet?" he asked.

"Who are you?" Erza asked. "Why do you keep coming to see me?"

"You didn't seem to take issue with me before," he said, still smiling at her in a way that made her feel weak. How could he do that? She was not weak! "I suppose, since we've come this far, true introductions are in order," he said. "I am Jellal. And you are my Scarlet."

"Scarlet?" Erza repeated with confusion. "Why do you keep calling me that? Because of my hair?"

"The color of fresh blood," he said in admiration, taking a lock in his hand as he moved closer to her. She backed away, but found herself trapped against the wall, much like before. Jellal touched his nose to hers, smiling more sensually than her heart could handle. His fingers brushed along her collarbone again. "I won't allow you to cover this up," he said.

"Why?" she asked. "Why are you doing this?"

He was extremely close now, his lips very nearly brushing against hers as he spoke.

"Others must know that you belong to me, now," he whispered.

Erza was about to say that she didn't belong to anyone, but, before she got the chance, he pressed his lips to hers. Just as before, all thoughts of escape vanished. Was this some vampire trick, or were his kisses simply so amazing that they convinced her to give in? His hands were skimming down her sides as he moved his lips to the corner of her mouth, then to her cheek, then to the sensitive spot just under her ear. She practically melted, and he seemed aware of the effect he was having on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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