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Li Yutao walked out from the other room and when he saw Wan Shanshan’s expression, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

Wan Shanshan changed her expression and smiled, “Nothing.”

Li Yutao nodded his head then remembered the events of last night. He looked around and said in a quiet voice, “Do you think if Shen Chuchu found out last night was our doing, will she…?”

Wan Shanshan stopped Li Yutao and laughed with irony, “Will what? Impossible. I’ve seen many newcomers like her, they just like to be arrogant. Once she’s had a taste of the benefits, she might even be grateful towards me. Anyways, this thing doesn’t concern us. Her manager made the call and it was Executive Chen who forcibly took her away. It doesn’t concern us so you don’t need to worry.”

After hearing Wan Shanshan’s words, the guilt in Li Yutao’s heart became a bit lighter. Although he still felt a thread of remorse for Shen Chuchu but this was nothing compared to the movie he was going to shoot.

“Hopefully Executive Chen can stick to his promise and give me the role.”

Wan Shanshan nodded her head and answered, “Yup, I think Executive Chen will give it to us. After all, you possess the competitive strength for this and they are just a little uncertain. You will definitely get it once Executive Chen speaks for us.”

“That’s good.” Li Yutao breathed a long sigh of relief. 

Once they were back at their own office, Wan Shanshan clung onto Li Yutao’s body and said, “Let’s not talk about Shen Chuchu anymore and talk about us. Ah, I really wonder when our relationship will get exposed.”

Li Yutao faced forward and smiled, “Soon, it can’t be helped.”

Wan Shanshan replied, “Yes, I know. I am just unhappy when you and your “girlfriend” have public display of affection. Plus you keep bringing up Shen Chuchu.”

Li Yutao consoled Wan Shanshan, “Alright alright, it’s my fault. I won’t bring them up again.”


While both of them were freely thinking about a beautiful future, little did they know that their secret was about to be made known to the masses.

Three days later, Wan Shanshan quickly gave Wang-ge a call when she still had not received a confirmation.  

“Wang-ge, has the role been decided. Is it my Taotao?”

Wan-ge replied with doubt, “You don’t know? It was decided a few days ago. It’s Zhang Shuai, not Li Yutao.”

Wan Shanshan listened to these words with disbelief, “What did you say, it has already been decided? How is that possible? Why is it Zhang Shuai? Did Executive Chen not mention to you guys he wanted to pick Taotao?”

Wang-ge also became unhappy when he heard this, “Executive Chen? You dare to mention him! A bunch of shit has happened on his side and he has already withdrew from the movie a while ago. If the Han Group did not fill in then the movie was about to be cancelled! As for why it is Zhang Shuai, naturally it was because the Han Group was more pleased with him.”

After he finished, Wang-ge no longer wanted to continue talking with Wan Shanshan. His mood had not been great recently and his work had not been good. And he could not figure out why the Han Group was not satisfied with him. He really did not understand what exactly he had done wrong.

As for Wang-ge, he had been wronged. That day he was present but he truly was not aware and did not suspect anything unusual. These things were a common occurrence in the entertainment circle so was it not normal for a female actress to be with a wealthy man? He was not aware that Shen Chuchu was drugged in front of him or that it was a forced transaction. 

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