Fashion Diva's

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Chapter One

Disclaimer: All characters are from different bands and book series, I own nothing

P.s The photo is of America Singer from the Selection Series

POV: Magnus

I was sitting in the Fashion Diva's design room with my friends Roger Fell, Camille Belcourt (Cam for short), America Singer (Mer for short) and my boyfriend Numair Evans. Fashion Diva's is a group of people who make outfits for all the many performances that the Rosedale High drama and music department put on. We also do the hair and makeup before the actors and musicians go on stage. Here at Rosedale we focus a lot on our sports but more on the performing arts.

"I heard there's a new member joining today" Mer said while texting someone on her phone "Rumor is she's got a really good sense of style" Just then the door opened reveling Mrs. Ravenclaw, the head of Fashion diva's and a tall girl with long black hair. Her white dress went to almost knee length on the sides and back but the front was shorter, the sleeves draped down. She also had a black belt and black knee high boots, in other words she looked awesome.

"Okay students, this is Isabelle Lightwood and she will be joining us" Mrs. Ravenclaw announced and started introducing all of the group to Isabelle "...And over there are Roger, Camille, America, Numair and Magnus"

"Nice to meet you all" Isabelle chirped "As Mrs. Ravenclaw said I'm Isabelle Lightwood but I prefer to be called Izzy"

"I prefer to be called Cam and America here likes to be called Mer" Cam informed Izzy and she nodded.

"Okay time to get down to business" Mrs. Ravenclaw said "The drama department is doing a play on Oliver Twist so the setting is sort of poverty and old-fashioned"

"Why can't they do a play with bright clothes?" Moaned Roger "All the clothes we've been making lately are all dull and grey"

"If they want depressing clothes then I guess we have to make depressing clothes" I said and Numair laughed while shaking his head at me. Me and Numair had been dating a year, in fact today was our one year anniversary.

"Your just calling them depressing because they aren't covered with glitter" Numair remarked flicking his electric blue high-lighted hair out of his eyes, Mrs. Ravenclaw snickered to herself.

"I never thought I'd see the day that I knew boys who wore more makeup then girls" she said and I laughed.

"You're  just jealous that they know how to put on makeup better then you miss" Mer said laughing, finally we got down to serious business. Two hours later we had drawn some basic designs and were finished for the day.

"Be ready to start making those designs tomorrow" Mrs. Ravenclaw shouted as me, Numair and Izzy walked out of the Fashion Diva's meeting room.

"Have you ever sewn a full outfit before?" Izzy asked "I've sewn a top and that's like all I've done"

"Magnus has sewn at least ten whole outfits before just for fun" Numair told her and she looked at me with wide eyes "Maybe he could give you some tips sometime"

"Could you come over today?" She asked bouncing around, Numair instantly shook his head and slid an arm around my waist protectively making Izzy raise an eyebrow "It's not like I'm trying to date him Numair"

"I can't sorry Iz" I said rolling my eyes at my boyfriend "It's mine and Numair's one year anniversary today" Her eyes widened slightly.

"Ah okay well then I'll see you two tomorrow" she said cheerfully before walking off, as soon as she left I turned to Numair.

"Why the hell was that about?" I demanded, Numair looked down to the floor avoiding my eyes until I grabbed his chin so that he had to look at me; uncertainty and worry lingered in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said "It's just that I was worried that you'd say yes and then my plans that I made for tonight would be ruined"

"Aww you made plans for us?" I cooed and he blushed "Sorry I just thought that you were becoming a jealous boyfriend and that wouldn't go down well with me"

"No I pretty sure I can trust you" Numair said and I raised an eyebrow at him making him laugh "I'm kidding darling, of course I trust you" peaked me on the lips before gesturing to me to keep on walking, I hadn't even noticed that we'd stopped.

"So where are you taking me tonight?" I asked when we reached my purple car; Numair smirked evilly and made a zip monition across his lips, I just groaned at him.

"You're not hearing anything from me" he said getting into the driver's seat and I got in the other side "Now my plan goes into action" Numair said with a wink. He started the car and we were off.


Authors Note:

Hey people, this is my new story so I hope you like it


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