The happy ending

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This is NOT a 2nd chapter!!!
This is the original story but edited so that the tragedy at the end doesn't happen.
I consider this version of the story to be canon, despite the "bad end" being written first.
If you're for some reason reading this before the original story, please read both and choose which one you want to believe.
Thank you for reading this!
     With a sudden jolt I snapped back to attention in class, covering a yawn with my hand. The teacher's words finally caught up with my slow brain.
My teacher, Mr. Moretti, was going on about the causes and symptoms of antisocial personality disorders, specifically sociopathy and the differences between that and psychopathy. With weary eyes I quickly surveyed the white board and after trusting myself to remember it, my gaze shifted in the direction of the windows. Rain was pouring down from the sky and trickling down the glass. The sky was a light gray with tall oranging trees shaking in the wind peeking through the raindrops on the windows. Usually autumn storms in Connecticut aren't as rough as this, it was nice though. Where my desk was I could see the whole class, right at the far corner. Out of the corner of my eye, a boy was turning his head just enough to see me. I pretended not to notice his stare and continued to gaze at the rain. People gawked people all the time.

I turned my head back to the teacher as Mr. Moretti handed out our work to us.
Time passed, kids got up for their seats to hand in their paper. Eventually the bell rang, uneventful as usual. 
As everyone was making their way out I handed my paper in.

The halls were a mess of people as usual, so many people were talking that it just sounded like a constant monotone scream. My locker was in the middle of the chaos as well, I always wanted one of those lockers on the end so there'd be at least some space. Switching my psychology text book with my English, I hightailed it to the class room as the halls cleared.

I got in just in time to see that one boy that was staring at me earlier put something on my desk and shift back into his seat, he sat behind me and apparently had two classes with me as well. Fearing the worst I made my way over to my seat, plopped my book down and unwrapped the neatly folded piece of paper on my desk. I was pleasantly surprised to find something nice- a drawing. My eyebrows lifted at the sketch, it was a cartoony rendition of myself in the same position when I was staring at the rain.

Next to it was a note written in tiny messy letters, in contrast to the seemingly great control of the pencil when I was drawn.

I could make out the words good enough, though I still had to read it slowly in my head.
"Sorry for being weird, I just wanted to draw you. You can toss this out if you want." it read.
I gently folded it back up and stuck it in my pocket, feeling a mix of confusion and flattery. The class went on as normal after that, though I had that lingering feeling of being watched, whether or not it was imagined I don't know.

The next two classes I had, history and math, he wasn't there. I don't know why but it felt emptier, for some reason I missed the presence of a kid I barely knew who simply stared at me and drew me. I hoped I'd get to see him at lunch, which is what came after the class I'm in, so it wouldn't be long until I got to play the role of the creep this time around.
Though still, I tried to put this behind me and just think of it as something interesting that happened today. 
I scooped food onto my lunch tray, my mother worked early in the day so she never had time to pack for me, and I honestly couldn't be bothered to do it myself. I paid for my lunch and turned around, scanning to find an empty-ish table, or possibly even...
As far as I could see there were people at every table with gaps only big enough for one or two people, and I wasn't about to plop myself in between an established group of friends. 
I noticed one person leaning against a wall eating, it was the same person who drew me earlier, as if he was placed there specifically for me.

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