Chapter 7 - The truth

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"Alright, then you bitch, why did you shoot me?!"


I started laughing at her bravery and her stupidity.

"Oh, how stupid you are..."

That was the first time I spoke up after a few hours of being quiet, I flicked my hair behind my shoulder and looked at her, everyone stared at me with a look of horror, Rebecca just looked scared

"I wonder why you're so stupid, oh wait, it must be all the bleach you used... it finally got to your head..."

I saw Blair smirk but quickly go back to being cold towards me, I clear my throat and leant back in my seat considering I was still tied up

"you know why I shot you..."

Thomas walked up to me and placed his hands on either side of the chair I was chained to, I looked at him and rolled my eyes

"But we don't know why you shot her though..."

"Thomas any closer, your gonna end up with my foot in between your legs..."

He backed away and leant on the wall looking at me, I scoffed and tilted my head down,

"Thank you, now dumb blonde bimbo over there probably doesn't remember, but she killed my brother... don't you remember Noah? MY BROTHER, YOU KILLED IN A CAR CRASH! YOU CAUSED BY STOPPING IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING CROSS ROAD! WHY THE FUCK YOU DID THAT, NO ONE KNOWS!"

My emotions were all over the place, I lost all control of myself, I was basically 13-year-old me when I got cheated on, I was losing it. I looked at Rebecca, my eyes widened and my smile grew, she looked at one of the men and nodded they walked over to me and slapped me right across the face harshly, a rush came over me and I looked down and started breathing heavily, I was usually don't get hit but when I do I'm used to it, but this time a rush came over me, a rush that made me feel alive I looked back up and started laughing again, I tilted my head up towards the ceiling and took a deep breath, I looked back at everyone and smirked at the man who hit me

"Oh trey, I thought you knew not to lay a finger on me..."

"I do, but I had orders from Miss Lewis, if you threaten her, I have to straighten you out..."

"Kinky... but that doesn't work on me, it just gives me a rush"

I kicked his knees making them buckle, he fell over and I turned my attention to my father. I was expecting him to talk but I was wrong, it was Alex.

"Riley, why did you go that far?"

"Alex, what are you on about?"

She turned around to Blair who looked confused, I scoffed and looked at the door expecting one of the boys to bust through the door ready to shoot my brains against the wall, Alex just sighed and started talking again.

"We came up with the idea of Riley faking betraying us and join Aiden, but I never expected her to go this far"

"Ah, but I did..."

Everyone turned to me and Alex was full of pain, yet I couldn't care, it felt great having this much power and having everyone even more scared of you.

"Alex, I didn't fake it, I left... it was my choice and frankly... his mob is better I have more power than I could have here"

With that being said I managed to free my hands from the ropes and stood up, trey acted immediately and grabbed me by the neck shoving me into the wall, I smashed my head into the metal and held my words, I opened my eyes to see someone staring at me.

"What do you want Rebecca... you no good piece of whore!"

"You know, I've always wondered what you looked like without the mask... and now that you're held back, I could finally check"

"lay one finger on me you'll end up through that fucking door..."

"Trey is stronger than you, you can't defeat him"

"Watch me"

I grabbed his wrist and dug my nails into his skin, he shouted and dropped me to the floor, I stood up and looked at Rebecca she stepped back and leant against the table, I walked over to her and grabbed her neck harshly, she gasped for air as I tightened my grip.

"Don't think I don't mean what I say..."

"Y-you're c-crazy!"

"I don't bother trying"

I threw her into the door knocking it open, I started making my way towards it to have my shoulder grabbed again, I looked behind me and saw Blair standing there staring at me.

"You're not my sister anymore..."

My heart shattered, I became vulnerable... he picked me up and threw me out of the room and into the wall, I fell to my knees and looked up, anger taking over my body.


I stood up and ripped a pocketknife from out of my jeans and flicked it open, Thomas stepped forward and held his arms up, ok so obviously he was trying to calm me down, but it wasn't going to work, I threw the knife at his arm and walked away.

"You guys never treated me like family, I loved you, but you obviously didn't love me, that's why you let me go with Aiden, you never bothered to run after me"

I ran to the door and pushed it open letting the cool breeze soothe my thoughts, I heard footprints behind me and turned around, tears feel down my cheeks and I fell to my knees, my emotions were too much to handle, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I looked up.

"Why do you care about me? Evan, please tell me why?!"

"Because I said I wouldn't give up on you... even during your bad moments"

I buried my head into his chest and let my tears fall, I looked back up at him after a few minutes, the moonlight highlighting all his features, the way his eyes darted down to my lips and back up to my eyes, I looked at his lips, they looked soft and inviting, I knew I shouldn't let my urges get the best of me but I couldn't help myself, his hand pulled down my bandana and then placed itself along my jawline, I leant in and embraced the feeling of our lips locking, the warmth and safeness spread through my body as he pulled me closer, it felt right but I still didn't feel complete unlike when I kissed Thomas, I still craved his touch but I knew he wouldn't come near me after I threw a knife at him... I pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked away.

"I-I should go..."

He nodded and walked back into the building, I walked away and took a right when I got onto the street, I saw a figure walk up to me and I froze, his silhouette had curly hair and a well-built body, my heart climbed into my throat, I put my bandana in my back pocket and took off my jacket, tying it around my waist so I wouldn't look like Riley, I messed my hair up and fixed my tears, he walked up to me and stopped, the eye colour came into view, a pair of rich chocolate eyes.



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